Sunday, November 30, 2008

Positive Thinking

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” - Winston Churchill.

It is the end of November.
The month where I share my birthday with many of my friends.
It is the month I vow to start fresh with my life.
The month I told myself that I should leave a completed chapter, and move on to a new chapter.

And to open a new chapter, I shall start by being POSITIVE.
Believe that there is a good reason/cause for everything that went wrong.
And for all the bummers we had a day or two days before our next birthday, it is simply to complete and summarize a year from your life.
It also reminds us that there will be much to come ahead.

You are living TODAY. Not tomorrow.
And a good preparation for tomorrow is to be POSITIVE.
If this has been a difficult year, turn it around.

Some consider the subject of positive thinking as plain nonsense.
Others feel it is the denial process of hypocrites.
But it is never wrong to think for the best.
It is also never wrong to be confident with life.

* My decent entry ends here. The next few line may cause some stir.

To a good friend,
Even if she deserves you, you DON'T deserve her.
It's plain BULLSHIT for her to hurt you today.
It annoys us to see you this way.
Even if she regretted her actions.

BUT, we also know that it takes time.
Just leave this chapter at some point, okay?
This announcement is brought to you by: KECIK AND JEN.

To ST, NH and who-ever-else, forget about lady doctors! I'm here. Ahaa. *mereng*

Friday, November 28, 2008

Strange is Writing

I've been trying to write an entry, but there's just too many things going in parallel right now. Anger, stress, joy and laughter, all in a bundle, thrown onto a petite body and soul like mine.

So, for the time being, let me distract you to this page here. I write them during my spare time. Some writing are as old as 4 years, some are still fresh. And it sometimes reflect how I feel, what I am going through, or what I see in others.

I've only posted a few up to today. It takes some time to search for my older writings. Some were destroyed by virus attacks on my lappy so I have to search through my cds to see if I keep a copy of my writings somewhere.

Someone told the world that he liked what I have written. But soon that world had to be erased. Ahaa. I am sorry if some do not understand what I mean here (Yeahh, I feel sober now). I am full of personal stories. After all, this is a personal blog. I hope you don't hate that blog. It may not be great, but it's my personal writing too.

I'll be writing an entry for this blog when my mind is clearer. It's time to balance off my writings with a decent entry soon.

* I hope to have a good weekend.
** Some people are just plain lucky. But I believe this is karma.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Giler babi.

Hehe. Sori la, aku menatang campuran, so aku gune perkataan giler babi. Kepada pembaca-pembaca baru alam siber, maafkan daku. Kepada pembaca-pembaca lama yang juga rakan-rakan di ALAM NYATA, aku rase korg tak kisah kan? Ahaa.

Mlm tadi memang giler. Akibat kemerengan rakanku, kami terjah Cameron Highlands. Ya, di tgh mlm yang agak2 dingin. Hampir tak sempat pulang ke rumah pagi ini. Dalam keta, aku suda siap merangka alasan tak dapat pegi keje. Terbayang-bayang muke suwit Dr Mahtun. Ahaha. Mane tak nyer, mencari stesen petrol pada jam 4 pg di Cameron Highlands satu cabaran takley blah. Naseb baek jumpe. Kalu tak, ouhh, taktau la, tak sempat aku nak pikirkan ketika panik itu melanda. Eh, aku panik ke? Tak lah. Aku cool jek kan. Encik Robin Hood je yang panik tak pasal2. Tu la wei, aku dah kate, PD. Ko nak gak sokong budak kepala mereng tu! Psst, suke la tgk kamu cuak. Heeeeee....

Time balik takley blah. Berbekalkan rasa bersalah yang bertimpa-timpa atas bahu rakan2ku, keheningan mlm retak seribu. Speeding bagai mau giler. Aku mual sbb tu sbnrnyer, tapi sbb aku budak TOUGH aku ckp TAKPE, BAWAK LA LAJU MANE KO NAK. Cisdel btol Encik Robin Hood. Ko tak paham bahasa kias2 ke?? Tapi xpe, wlpn ko speeding, aku tetap rase selamat. Err...selamat ke speeding 160/180?? Ntah. Haha. Naseb baek time kat highway, aku ade tertido wlpn tak lena.

Wlpn ini keje giler di tgh mlm, aku TAK MENYESAL. Serius. Kenapa? Sbb aku pegi dgn org2 yg boleh buat aku rasa selesa. And no, aku bukan mudah percaye org. Cuma, you've earned my trust.

Ouhh giler ngantok skang ni.

p/s: rakan2 aku yang defensive, thanks. blog dan alam nyata lain, jadi biarkan aje k. kita tak perlu buktikan aper2.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Sakit perut ni tiap ari. Kadang-kadang aku lapa, tp aku tak leh makan. Makan lebih sket, tros meragam perut aku nih.

Tgk site traffic aku pagi ni, aku jadi makin sakit. Bukan makin sakit perut, juga bukan sakit ati. Tapi sakit tol lah nak tahan gelak ni wei!! Trafik dari negara jiran tu hanya mampu buat aku geleng kepala. Ye laa, kan aku tgh sakit nk gelak. Haha. Ape da. Stail budak skolah bergadoh tol. Aper2 pun, aku nak ucapkan time kaseh lah kepada trafik yg dtg dari negara jiran tu. Sbb ko lah, makin ramai masuk blog ni sejak smlm. Pergh. Dah la ST anta trafik ke aku gak smlm. Gile femes aku skang. Muahaha~ (stail tunjuk lagak. suke ati aku ok? aku masih tak peduli aura aper yg korg rase masuk blog nih.)

Adehh, tak leh gelak byk, cakit..adehh.

* bg yg terlepas pandang, post ini juga bertujuan utk bgtau korg yg aku dh gune Plurk. yg tak phm gak, abaikan. credits to ST. (aku dh register pas ko suh aritu, bagus kan?). tp aku masih tak phm aper yg best nyer gune Plurk. haha.

Monday, November 24, 2008

ONE reason why I WON'T GIVE UP my seat

Because they refuse to accept it.

It had happened soooooo many times that I am finally deciding not to ever be polite again. So, if you see a young lady going up bus no T633 who carries a black bag with earphones stuck in her ears, please DO NOT EXPECT her to give up her seat for ANY elderly in the bus (except this one old lady who always accepts my seat with her weak smile. *smirk*). Call me rude, call me disrespectful. Sometimes when I want to be the polite person that I AM, I just can't help feel annoyed when the elderly refuses the seat I offer to them in the bus. What's even worst is, sometimes the elderly rejects the seat quite rudely. Who's rude again?? Yeah, the ELDERLY. I guess, old folks have ego too, huh?

So, to everyone who STILL insist that youngsters should give up their seats for the elderly, think again. Maybe these youngsters are tired of rejection too. I, for one, always doubt if I should give up my seat because I dislike staring pairs of eyes when the elderly rejects. I know it's not public humiliation, but it is a humiliation to my humbleness.

And therefore, I do not wish to be bothered anymore. I'll take the bus tomorrow (IF I'm not late, else, "TAXI!!"). And when I go up the bus, I'll take my seat, look down, and continue reading
Leaders Talk Leadership. Psst, I did not see that old lady standing beside my seat.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Kenali Aku

Lumrah manusia bila bertentang mata dengan seseorang yang baru dikenali adalah untuk membuat tanggapan pandang pertama. Di blog pula, kita sering menilai penulisnya dari segi penulisan. Kadang2, ada yg percaya kpd penilaian masing2. Same la jgk mcm bace MalaysiaToday ke, MalaysiaKini ke, masing2 lg suke kalu percaye wlpn penulisan MUNGKIN bkn situasi sebenar. Pelik la korg ni. Ish3.

Ye laa, aku leh dgr korg komplen dah tu, so biarlah aku mengaku (wlpn aku tak bersalah). Aku jugak spt korg. Suke buat tanggapan sendiri bila baca blog org. Kalu aku rs penulisan blog kasar, aku mesti buat tanggapan penulis seorang yang bengis, brutal dan takde perikemanusiaan. Kalu blog klakar, aku slalu rs penulis tu ader masalah mental, kurang didikan Sejarah dan Geografi, serta berfikiran cetek mcm air sinki yang lekat kat saluran. Heh. Suke ati aku la nak pk aper.

Baru-baru ni bila aku kenal dengan Encik Robin Hood, dia asyik cakap aku ni pelik. Katanya, penampilan aku buat aku tak nampak seperti usia aku yang sebenar (nampak lebih tua atau muda, terpulang kepada imaginasi anda). Dan dia fikir pompuan jarang layan lagu local indie, jadi mengapa aku melayan plak lagu-lagu camtu. Encik Robin Hood makin pelik bila aku cakap tentang latar belakang famili aku. Dan juga tak paham kenapa aku gune kasut converse bertali ungu tu. Ergh.

Aku nak clear kan perkara-perkara yang telah merunsingkan kepala Encik Robin Hood.

  1. Umur aku 24 tahun dan aku sangat selesa pakai jeans/sluar pendek ngan tshirt plus kasut converse/slipar pantai.
  2. Aku suke indie dari luar negara gak mcm band2 dari UK, US, Filipina (remember Rivermaya?) dan Indonesia. Jadi SILA JGN HERAN kalu aku suke local indie.
  3. Aku kacukan India dan Bidayuh. Agama aku Hindu. Kalu aku fasih Bahasa Melayu, ini sebab aku bawak identiti BANGSA MALAYSIA. Ada paham?
  4. Kasut converse aku bertali ungu sebab ia kasut Limited Edition. Aku tak beli tali kasut sukasukihatiaku semata-mata nak bajet cam best.

Aku jugak nak clearkan kepala2 org lain yang suke pk bukan2. Kepala sape? Bak kate Nabil, LU PIKIR LA SENDIRI! Haha.

  1. Aku slalu cakap aku emo sbb aku masih lagi dibayangi tragedi putus cinta yang dah masuk 3 bulan ni. Aku manusia biasa yang punya perasaan. Tak salah kalu aku nak emo. Aku rasa aku emo sorg2 jek. Aku tak penah plak lempar ke-emo-an aku kat org lain. (Eh, xde kan? Hehe.)
  2. Skang aku SINGLE. Tapi aku TAK MENCARI SAPE-SAPE. So, bagi yang ader hati kat aku, SILA CARI POMPUAN LAIN. Aku takde hati la kat korg, especially yang baru balik dari Hanoi. Jadi jgn perkotak-katikkan kehidupan aku sbg org single. Amat bahagia. Kawan-kawan aku lagi penting dari lelaki bwat mase ni. Kalu nak gak, anta resume dulu dan lampirkan slip gaji beserta bank statement anda. Jika tiada respon dari aku 3 hari selepas submission, anggap jek dah kene rejek. Ahaha.
  3. Merujuk kepada perkara no 2, ingin diTEKANkan di sini, AKU BUKAN LESBIAN!!!! Wehh, penat la bgtau korg!!

Lol. Aku sebenarnyer takde idea nak blog pasal aper arini. Jadi aku terpikir untuk buat korg sumer cuak jap. Eh, cuak tak? Kalu tak cuak, xpe la. Kalu yang cuak, err, padan muke! Haha.

Aper2 pun, kuar ngan Mon siang td mmg best. Dah lame tak bergosip cam budak2 skolah. Ahaa.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Why Strange?

Why Atreyu? Huhu. I've been asked about the name several time. Yet, a few did agree that I am strange in a way.

Strange is a surname I chose to use inspired by Emily the Strange, a fictional character. Back in the days when I was in the university, I use to collect a lot of her stuffs. From bags, to badges and erm, badges, and MORE badges. Haha.

Emily Strange's character caught my attention because she is dark, mysterious and yet, strong and feminine. And she is beautiful. Ahaa. Something I wish I am. Nahh, I'm too hard on myself, so I'd like to change my statement - "And she is AS beautiful AS I AM". Hua3~

This reminds me, I used to love watching Daria. Too bad it's no longer running. I find Daria amusing because she is a smart and cynical girl who often has different views from the rest of the world, including her family. Ooh, and I especially love how she speaks so slowly, damn retard. Yet, she is SMART with the choice of words. Ahaa. I think you could still find her on youtube like this one here. Love the theme song too. Damn retard ar wei! Haha.

I think I have an issue with GIRL POWER. Really. Because besides Emily Strange and Daria, I also love Kim Possible, Samantha, Alex and Clover (the last three from Totally Spies, ehehe). Well, I prefer Alex of course. Coz she is NOT perfect in every way. She has flaws and we do too. Huhu. Ohh, and Kim Possible, she carries herself well as a FRIEND.

And I think you already know my obssession over Ashley Tisdale. Really, this is about girl power. Nothing to do with my sexuality. Lol.

So, where did Atreyu come from? Ahaa. I'll let you wonder for some time before I spill the soyabean. Heh.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hair Fix

For more than a month now, I've been wondering what to do with my hair. Snip it off, curl it, shag it, straighten it, you name it - I've thought of it all. I've got to do SOMETHING with my growing hair. Yet, I don't seem to know what I want! Darn it.

I don't like Amy Winehouse's songs, neither do I like the attitude. So, it kinda scares me to think that the time will come when I have a bee hive up on my head like hers! Yikes~

I finally narrowed-down my hairstyle ideas to three:
  1. Cut my hair shoulder length like Nicole Richie. But it might also require some treatment ehh. To leave it soft and shiny! Haha!
  2. Have curls like Emma Roberts from the ear downwards. I've done it before and loved it. It doesn't make me look boring... Haha. Yeahh, I am boring people rite now!
  3. I want Ashlee Tisdale's hair!!! How to achieve that?? Grrrr.... I don't know!! Haha. Perhaps, I'll just end up doing treatment. Just to get back my natural wave with less split ends and NO Amy Winehouse bee hive.

I was also thinking of straightening my hair, BUT with ONE CONDITION - I will not wear my lenses anymore. I will give that hairdo a geeky look - yeahh, back to black-framed glasses. Smart eh? Huhu. But Cik Pin said maintenance of such hair is beyond our salary can pay. Haha. I'll take that as a NO from her.

Whatever I'm gonna do with my hair, I will NOT end up looking pretty and dolled-up for Grammy's like the rest above (EXCEPT Amy Winehouse). See, I AM a realistic person - yes, I am talking to you ST.

p.s. Cik Pin suggested some some hairstyles, but they were just WAAAYYY-TOOOOO-CUTE for me! Haha.

another p.s. I'm not a lesbo - in case you think I've been putting up pictures of Ashlee Tisdale a lil too many times. Oh wait, you didn't think so?? Ahhh. I am intoxicated. Haha.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sally Who?

Being the emotional person that I am, I cannot help myself but dig this song.

Sally's Song Lyrics

I sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend

And does he notice my feelings for him?
And will he see how much he means to me?
I think it's not to be

What will become of my dear friend?
Where will his actions lead us then?
Although I'd like to join the crowd
In their enthusiastic cloud
Try as I may, it doesn't last

And will we ever end up together?
no, I think not, it's never to become
For I am not the one

Classic tune from Nightmare Before Christmas Album: Nightmare Revisited. There's three version of this song. Sally's, Amy Lee's and Fiona Apple's. The best? Of course Sally's. But between Amy Lee and Fiona Apple, well, being a fan of rock, emo, and goth, who do you think I would prefer? Huhu. This is a personal choice, but Fiona Apple is unique in her own way too. I'm sure her fans would agree.

Amy Lee - Sally's Song MP3

**Gosh, I could relate to her feelings. Oh wait, I'm OVER IT now.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lelaki, Jangan Permainkan Perasaan Kami, Boleh?

Kadang-kadang aku rasa lelaki bertindak tanpa fikirkan akibat atau impaknya. Aku tau la ader pompuan macam tu jugak, tapi sebab aku pompuan, mesti la aku cakap laki begitu! Haha. Macam kes kawan aku ni, dia rapat giler dengan sorang budak laki ni. Lelaki ni pernah berkata, "Tiada apa-apa antara kita". Kawan aku pun, layan kan je lah. Tapi kan, mengapa lelaki ini boleh pula marah dan merajuk dengan kawan aku bila kawan aku datang lambat untuk berjumpa? Bukankah kamu sendiri yang kata "Tiada apa"? Kalu kawan aku tu datang lambat, aku takde pulak nak marah-marah. Dah memang tiada apa kan, buat apa nak marah.

Aku pernah diberitahu oleh kawan laki aku satu perkara yang buat aku sedikit terkejut (tapi tak terkejut dah skang). Dia cakap, ada lelaki yang punya dua teman istimewa serentak sebab satu hanya sesuai jadi gurlpren, dan satu lagi untuk dijadikan isteri. Asalnya, aku kurang percaya dengan apa yang aku dengar, tapi bila aku tengok kawan-kawan aku lalui semua tu, aku dah mula percaya dengan statement dia tu.

Aku jugak perasan yang lelaki suke gunakan alasan UNIVERSAL supaya tidak kelihatan bersalah. Stail takmau mengaku salah. Cisdel betol. Aritu, kawan aku story (aku lagi suke gune perkataan 'mengadu' sebenarnyer, tp takpe lah) kat aku, "Dia tak wish time birthday aku". Aku tanya balik, "Dia lupa ke?". Kawan aku jawab, "Dia taktau bile birthday aku". Aku tau memang ader lelaki yang tak ambil tahu tentang harijadi orang lain, teman istimewa mahupun isteri. Tapi, tak perlu la asyik menggunakan alasan lelaki-tak-kesah-semua-tu apabila sendiri yang TIADA INISIATIF mau tau. Alasan camtu dah basi la wei! BASI!!!

Buat kawan aku tu, kamu fikirkanlah apa yang aku katakan ini ya? Aku tau aku pernah menyatakan rasa tak puas hati tentang lelaki itu, tapi itu tak bererti aku tak pernah cuba memahami perasaan kamu itu. Tapi aku juga tak suke kamu dipermainkan begitu.

Buat lelaki tu, sebenarnya, kamu suka kat dia atau tidak? Sila jangan permainkan perasaan kawan aku tu, boleh tak? Aku tak suke...

Aku tak suke salahkan lelaki dalam hal ni. Tapi, aku nak salahkan jugak (sebabnya sudah dimaklumkan di atas). Skang ni pun, kalu aku kawan dengan lelaki, aku pastikan ada had dalam persahabatan kami. Ye laa, kalu persahabatan tu disalah erti, cuak la jugak kan. Aku takmau di salah erti. Cukuplah sekadar di salah erti oleh famili aku, ex aku, makcik aku.. Kang tak pasal2, ader la org tulis post "Hey Pompuan, Jangan Permainkan Perasaan Kami!". Wakakaka!!!

Ape2 pun, layan jap petikan Ayat-ayat Cinta di bawah..

Listen Moto-to
You better treat this lady like a queen
Because you my friend
You found yourself the perfect woman
If I was ever so lucky to find the perfect woman
I would give her flowers everyday
And not just any flowers okay
Her favourites are orchids
And breakfast in bed
Six loafs of wheat toast with butter on both sides
No crust the way she likes it
I'd be her shoulder to cry on
And her best friend
And I'd spend everyday trying to think of how to make her laugh
She has the most
Most amazing laugh
I mean...
That's what I would do if I were you
But I'm not.
So you do it.

(Oh, ini bukan petikan dari AAC the movie yer, ini petikan dari ayat-ayat cinta Melman. Hehe.)

P/S: Mesti korg pening baca post2 aku. Skejap Melayu, skejap Inggeris. Lantak aku lah, ok tak? Takmau bace pun takpe. Hehe.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Madagascar 2 Soundtrack

Since I am a fan of MUSIC, I always pay attention to the songs being played in the movies I watch. And if there's any that caught my attention, I am sure to download it. And these are my several BEST tracks that I picked up from the Madagascar 2 OST.

1. The Traveling Song
- Played during the scene when a bunch of fishermen saved Alex from the ocean, in a wooden box, with fish stuck in his mouth. Adorable.

2. I Like to Move It
- Need I say more? Huhu.

3. Once Upon A Time in Africa
- Hans Zimmer, you're the genius!

4. Big and Chunky
- Raise your hands up if you love Moto Moto!! This is definitely for you, Moto Moto fans!

5. Alex on the Spot
- Played during the dance scene between daddy and son. No difference from "The Traveling Song", except it's more upbeat and shorter, suited for the scene.

Enjoy. ;)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Foot Reflexology (SIOTNeS)

That's for "Someone's Idea of Trying New Stuff". Haha.

Yesterday, a friend of mine asked me to join him for a foot reflexology. And his friend second the notion. Despite being phobic of the thought of someone rubbing my feet, I agreed to join the session. I knew how much you wanted it. Haha.

I don't know about the place we're going to, but apparently, the practitioners do not speak Malay nor English because I'm assuming they're from the mainland of China. Ohh, the only one speaking Malay/English is the lady at the counter coz she's a Malaysian Chinese. Adehh.

One friend even chose which guy practitioner he wanted (like going to a brothel and making a gay-ish pick?? gosh, NO! don't tell him I said this). The other, haha, he was basically IN DEEP SHIT throughout the session.

I was massaged by a lady practitioner. I don't know how a foot massage is suppose to feel, but I felt like she didn't do it all too well. As far as I am concerned, when done by a skilled practitioner, reflexology is deeply relaxing. If they're less skilled, you'll just feel like you've had a very long foot massage. So, I don't know, because I felt a lil too relax. Is this how it's suppose to feel? I thought there was suppose to be some pressure?

And furthermore, she was rubbing my right foot more than my left foot. Is this how it's suppose to be too? Or she sort of sensed that my right foot needed more massage? Well, I don't know, maybe this is a common practice where the practitioner could detect the area with most pressure?

I had so many questions, yet I can't ask her. In fact, my friend showed some sign language to ask her to put more pressure on my feet, and she was replying to us in Mandarin, as though we understood her. And we were just nodding and talking to each other like, "whatever she just said" and "does she know that we're smiling coz she look so dumb doing that". And the fact that she was pointing at my feet while speaking in Mandarin scares me too. I was imagining some reply from her. Could it be that she was trying to say, "Your feet stink like rotten rat!", "You have huge feet dear!", "You never took care of your feet, have you?", "Your skin is so coarse!" or "Your feet is as hard as a man's feet". Yikes!! Those thoughts... ergh!!~

I am convinced by these two friends that my feet would feel lighter. Yet, my feet doesn't feel lighter. Neither is feeling better. Because I could feel some pressure on my right ankle right now. And there's a slight bruising on top of that ankle. Hmm..

I am NOT trying to point out that foot reflexology do you NO GOOD. But I am merely sharing my FIRST TIME experience with reflexology. The ankle does feel smoother. Hehe. But, that's not the point of a massage. Perhaps, I am a new to this kinda stuff, therefore I can't tell the difference. But it sure doesn't feel right for a first experience. Hehe. No offence k. I enjoyed the company, that's what more important. Ahaa. *wink wink*

Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa

Just by watching the trailer, I'm pretty sure many would want to watch this movie. The trailer found on youtube was already cracking me up, let alone watching the whole movie. Well, unless, you don't like animated movie, plus you're too emo (WAAAAYYYY MORE EMO than I am) to go to the movies.

Slotted at 1.50pm, the cinema was totally packed with kids, teenagers, adults, and parents. The seats were all taken up, right down to the seats nearest to the screen! Gosh, I wonder how their neck would feel. Worthy? Hehe.

The movie gave a good start with the selling song EVERYONE knows from the previous Madagascar. Duhh, I don't have to remind you which song I'm refering to, do I?

So the movie is about Africa. How did they end up there? Let's just let EVERYONE ELSE who writes a review spoil that for you. In Africa, Alex met his long lost parents. Alex (or Alakay, so it was his real name) found out that his daddy, is Alpha Lion, whereas daddy, was proud to find out that his son is King of New York. So to speak.

As Marty joins all the other zebras, he soon feels that he wasn't unique after all because they are alike. Gloria, who had made the decision to join the breeding program (IF they have landed in NY instead) finally found her love (or so she had thought), Moto Moto. Melman became the witch doctor and was later convinced by the other giraffes that he has a terminal disease that they believe is the curse of witch doctors.

Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private (the Penguins if you didn't know that), they are of course, always trying to fix situations, and by fixing means, stealing parts from others, recruiting monkeys as labors and bossing around. Haha. Oh yeah, and marrying a stick figure? Darn hilarious!

  1. Any scene with Melman. I don't like Ross in Friends, but I love Melman. David Schwimmer's voice is PERFECT for Melman! I think Melman's sweet. Ouhh, I probably love his character because I've been wanting a giraffe? Huhu.
  2. The scene where Moto Moto submerged from the water. Darn, he was cracking me up with his macho moves! Or so he thought! Haha!!
  3. Having to see Alex being beaten pretty mean-ly by an OLD lady!!
  4. When Melman was telling Moto Moto off how to treat Gloria the right way. Gosh, Melman, you're SHUUU-WITTTT!!!! (And she loves orchid. Aaaaaahhhh....)
  5. When King Julien thinks he brought the water back! LOL. Superstitious!
  6. The scene where Zuba joined in to dance with Alex in the jungle, surrounded by New Yorkers and a really MEAN granny! You kick ass granny!
  7. Any moment that cracked me up. Apparently, too many to even recall now. Huhu.
  1. Can't think of any!! Hehe.

I'd give this movie a 4.15 out of 5. Haha. A 2 decimal rating system introduced by a dear friend, Nok. It's a good movie for anyone who needs a good laugh. Oh yeah, the soundtracks were awesome too.

Worthy of the money you pay (especially when it's not yours). Lalala~

Friday, November 14, 2008

Lagi Lagi Birthday

Aku tau rakan-rakan Sepeket sedang menanti post ni. Tau korang masuk blog ni cari samada aku dah upload belum kad siber itu. Huhu. Maaf la lewat. Smlm lupa mau copy kad tu ke pendrive, jd tak dapat blogging dr umah.

Time kasih yer kepada yang design kad ni, Encik Nabil dan Cik Peej. Tapi, aku rs tenaga kerahan pasti lebih banyak datang dari Encik Nabil! Wakakaka!!~

Yang menang moto tu, Bit dan Cik Pin. Haha. Kantoi! Kad original tu, takde pakai simbol CENSORED tu. Aku saje tepek kat muka aku tu. Kalu nak tengok yang original, tengok kat sini la yer. Alaaa, bukan aku tak penah post pic aku kat blog ni pun. Ader je.. Cuma korang kene kerja keras sket jek utk cari! Hehe.

Apapun, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Cik Pin, adik aku kat UUM tu, dan Ugly Betty (artis itu? bkn. rujuk post ini).


Seperti tiada kaitan kan? Tapi ia punya kaitan yang sangat bererti untuk aku.

Bermulanya aku berjinak-jinak dengan Facebook gara-gara seorang lelaki. Beliau memang lelaki yg spesel. Siapa? Beliau residen PENGASIH. Jadi, beliau adalah spesel kerana aku sayang semua residen PENGASIH. (Ingat, residen SAHAJA. Staf aku tak layan sangat. Haha.) Eh jap, beliau itu suda naik pangkat jadik staf! Erk. Layannnnn~

Asalnya, aku hanya aktif main Friendster. Aku tak pernah berminat mau buka akaun Facebook. Tapi setelah kene invite ngan beliau ni, aku jadi excited la plak kan. Haha. Kerana sayang ku kepada residen PENGASIH, aku pun bukak la akaun Facebook.

Bila dah bukak akaun Facebook tu, aku terus buat terjah edisi dunia siber. Mula la aku bermain mesej dengan beliau. Bertanyakan khabar, memberi semangat dan sokongan moral. Yer, aku memang budak baik. Haha. Tapi, seperti yang aku dah kata berkali-kali dalam post ni, aku sayang mereka. Jadi aku akan terus bagi sokongan moral kepada mereka. Kalau mereka sudah tamat terapi di PENGASIH, aku mau mereka mulakan hidup baru. Tinggalkan kawan-kawan yang memberi mereka aura negatif. Cari kawan seperti aku yang sentiasa beraura wangi, eh, maksud aku, positif. Hehe.

Pernah sekali aku terserempak dengan bekas residen PENGASIH kat KL Sentral. Beliau sudah mula menunjukkan penambahan berat badan. Bagus tu! Dan ketika itu, beliau sedang promosikan syarikat baru beliau. Wow. Aku amat bangga dengan kamu Encik Z! Walaupun aku kureng sket dengan keegoan kamu ketika di PENGASIH, tp biarlah ego itu jugak yang menjadi kekuatan kamu untuk mulakan hidup baru, ok?

Berbalik kepada kisah Facebook. Ya, aku dah lama tak bukak Facebook. Sehingga lah beberapa hari lepas. Al-kisahnya, aku dapat komen kat Friendster dari seorang lagi residen (kini staf) PENGASIH. Beliau ajak aku jadi crew untuk program Ahad akan datang ini. Aku sudah reply beliau di Friendster, tapi takde respon gak. Aper ni Encik Player, mau aku jadi crew ke tidak?? Jadi, aku pun bukak la Facebook, kot2 lelaki spesel itu pulak ader tulis kat Wall dia ke. Jap, jap, aku nak bagi nama kat lelaki spesel ni kerana beliau BUKAN 'teman-tapi-mesra' aku. Haha. Panggil Encik Ed ya? Hehe.

Encik Ed takde cakap aper2 kat Wall dia. Takpe lah, kalu ada masa dan kaki, aku pegi jugak terjah Titiwangsa Ahad ni. Jadi, aku godek2 lah Facebook beliau sebentar walaupun aku taktau aper yang aku tekan. Facebook ni application je hebat, tapi usability fail ye rakan-rakan! Dah tu, aku jumpa plak dua orang lagi residen PENGASIH dalam list kengkawan Encik Ed ni. Eh, eh, apsal peluk-peluk plak 2 org nih?? WOW. Mereka sudah berkawen rupanya!! Waaaaaaaaaa.... AKU SGT SGT GEMBIRA UTK MEREKA!!!! Akhirnya, H dan Ugly Betty sudah berkawen!!! Oh, bg imaginasi rakan-rakan, Ugly Betty ni cantek yer rakan-rakan. Hehe.

Rasa gembira tak terhingga. Aku rs sangat seronok bila aku tau residen2 PENGASIH ni mengambil jalan yang betul bila tamat terapi. Kadang-kadang aku terpikir untuk kembali ke PENGASIH. Ya, aku juga ketagihan. Ketagihan kasih sayang. Aku taktau kenapa tempat itu memberi aku impak yang sangat kuat, walaupun aku hanya menjalani praktikal di sana. Thanks Abg Fizi, sbb biar aku lalui hari2 sebagai seorang residen ketika di PENGASIH. Suatu jenis praktikal yang budak2 U lain takkan rasa! Ternyata, terapi komuniti bukan untuk penagih dadah sahaja, terapi ini sesuai untuk sesiapa sahaja yang mahu kehidupan yang lebih baik. Aku belajar sangat byk dari praktikal tu. Sebagai permulaan, untuk menjadi manusia. Manusia yang punya perasaan. Tak faham? Takpe, aku tau rakan-rakan PENGASIH faham perasaan itu. Biar aku kongsi perasaan itu dengan mereka sahaja. Sesungguhnya, mereka juga famili aku. (Dan aku kan terus cari mereka di Facebook kerana nampak gaya, mereka lagi suka tgk buku sekarang ni! Haha)

P/S: Adik, kamu kat mane sekarang? Thanks sebab sudi tandatangan kad itu. Serius, aku nangis bila nampak tandatangan kamu. Kamu tau aku marahkan kamu kan? Sebab aku kecewa kamu lari ketika itu. Aku punya harapan yang besar terhadap kamu. Jangah hampakan aku. Please?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Kasih Sahabat Lebih Bererti?

GEMAS – kenapa?
Tolong aku. Aku mahu bangkit.
Sakit lagi ke? Tak jugak.
Aku sudah punya kawan baru. Mereka bantu aku bangun.
Lebih mudah membenci? Sudah tentulah.
Tapi aku tak kisah sayang. Walaupun ia sangat sakit.
Tak perlu sayang. Benci sahaja.
Wajarkah? Tiada ketenangan di situ.
Jadi, kamu mahu terus menangis? Keseorangan?
Tak mahu. Aku mahu cari pengalaman hidup.
Aku tak mahu ia terhenti di sini. Tak guna kan?
Ahh. Pandang kiri, pandang kanan. Dia tiada juga.
Biarlah aku gerak ke situ. Ramai kawan ku sedang menanti.
Mereka lebih sayangkan aku.

Thanks for being a good friend. And I will be yours too.

Ouhh. Bicara hati tiada arah tuju. Haha.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Open Source CMS

What is a good open source CMS to build an interactive portal to share files, upload/download files, has a discussion board (forum), multiple sections and sub-menus, and has a blog-like content?

I've just got a domain that I am planning to share with my friends, to build a portal for the Cognitive Science community, especially for all those who are struggling to understand or even define Cognitive Science.

I know my way around Joomla, but I am still open to try out other types of open source CMS. Or perhaps I should code my own?? That's going to be difficult, but GOOD for my portfolio eh? Hmmm..

Sunday, November 09, 2008

A Day Late

Erm, isn't that the same title as a song by Anberlin? Hmmm..

Anyway, I turned a year older (and hopefully wiser) yesterday. Ahaa. Thanks to my family and friends who called and had sent me sms to remind me that I am getting older and the time has come to get a boyfriend, bla bla. Haha.

I started my day by getting some fresh air. Intended to jog, but erm, Bit, those lil kids has NO IDEA about jogging, do they?? Haha. Well, I don't mind all that because what's more important is being with friends, and having a good laugh. And thanks for the blackforest cake. Mmuaahh~

I don't mean to sound pathetic or anything here, but I am not a person who gets many gifts for her birthday. Really. I remember a few birthday gifts though. Like the necklace my cousins bought me last year. It was very beautiful, and when I wear it, friends thought that it's a gift from a boyfriend. Huhu.

This time around, hmmmm... I think the cake can be considered as a gift right? I'm not grumbling, really. Because I've always told myself that the best gift is not given. It's when I make someone happy, like Stella's boyfriend who was at one point, became much more emo than I am. And UNICEF. Yes, UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund. Yesterday, I went to Midvalley where UNICEF had a booth, and I have signed up to the Direct Debit Donor Programme (DDDP), a donation drive launched by UNICEF to help support programmes that focuses on education, child protection and fighting AIDS/HIV. By pledging only RM38 monthly which is done through a standing instruction from my bank account, I think I can make someone else happy too. A pat on my back.

To spoil myself and to get myself a birthday gift, I went looking for a giraffe in Sunway Pyramid today. No, not a REAL giraffe, a soft toy. I want to replace Bonggo and Kokobe. Those two, are teddy bears. This time, I want something different. If I couldn't get a giraffe, I'll get something else to hug, but not teddies. Perhaps, Patrick Starfish? or Mr Burton! Ahaa. I'll hunt again next week! I'm not desperate for one, so it could take some time before I get a nice one to cuddle at night. Hehe~

Looking forward for Madagascar 2!!!

Friday, November 07, 2008

November Babies

A few days ago, I was in a training room and feeling sleepy when I started making a list of friends and families who will be celebrating (or has celebrated) his/her birthday which falls in the month of November. I have wished a few of them, and a handful more to wish in the next few weeks of November. It’s a long one.

1/11 – Catherina, my ex-colleague.
3/11 – Shih Li, my pen pal from the days where we correspond through letters and cards!
5/11 – Baby cousin, Adeeb!! You’re a year older yet naughtier! Happy Birthday!!
7/11 – Matt, NO comment is needed. Pik Chai, ex-roomate. Damn nerdy. Still is. Haha.
8/11 – ?? I kinda remember someone’s birthday on this date… Who aahhh…
11/11 – See Keat, miss you during Diwali. Huhu.
12/11 – Kak Zatul, she will be celebrating her 1st birthday as a wifey!!
13/11Bit, Sepeket.
14/11Pini, Sepeket. And my sis, aku kasik ko present 2hb Disember, as requested.
15/11 – Yoe, indigenious chick. Miss your thick accent.
18/11 – Eny, ex-coursemate. No where to be found now. Haha.
25/11 – Diraj, great cousin, love the attitude!
27/11 – Aunty PJ, no comment as well.
30/11Ammar, you need a COLOURED SHIRT.

I could not come up with a better card, my apologize all. Have a great biological year ahead~

Thursday, November 06, 2008


I had a Nightmare
Yes. Last night. And I hated it so much. I dreamt of YOU. The YOU who I once kept so close to my heart. The YOU I am determined to forget in November. And that YOU came into my dream, smiled at me, held my hand and walked with me. No, it won't happen in the real world. It was just a dream, I am reminded.

I had a post yesterday, today it's GONE
It was titled "How to BE emo and GET OUT of it". I posted it yesterday, here in this blog. Today, it's GONE. What happened to it?? It's not in my draft, it's not anywhere! Who is answerable to my lost post?? I am beginning to think that someone is seriously hacking my accounts. First, my Fileden account, now my blog? I don't know. I love making assumptions. It calms me down to know it's not my fault...perhaps.

I have an abusive file reported in
I uploaded Straylight Run - Existentialism On Prom Night in my folder, to share with the rest of the world. And today, I saw the file in a folder named as 'Abuse'. The error message I get, "This file is no longer available because it's identical to file banned because of claim." Hmm.. never happened before, but it just did, now.

The Birthday Reminder
That I DO NOT NEED. I was reminded by someone about another someone's birthday. Seriously dude, like I care about his birthday. He doesn't care about us here. Even if I DO remember, it makes no difference. I do not wish to WISH him.

Hoping for a good day till tomorrow night, the day before I get a year older. To start fresh the following day - by going for a jog - with Sepeket!!

NO MORE BUMMERS till then, please!!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A Letter to Abang

Dear Abang,

First and foremost, I would like to congratulate you upon the many nominations that you have received to be the next best man. I am proud of you. You have proven to a particular servant that he is no contest to you. Now that you will take over Uncle Doul’s fame, I’d like to propose that your fame to be put into good use.

To begin with, I’d like you to take this few morons and submit their names for National Service. You see, they are still bugging me every morning with the cab issue, and especially yesterday, when the train is incapable of handling too many slim and cute commuters like me. Perhaps you can send them to Cahaya Gemilang camp in Cherating. My sister told me that it’s a good place to get a stripped tan. Furthermore, there hasn’t been any death case reported at the camp. Therefore, it is essential to send the morons there so that history can be made.

Abang, I would also be very appreciative if you could also reward Datukship to this one guy I met in the train. Yes, I was very attracted to him. In fact,, he spoke right into my ear the words I long to hear. Oh, you want to know what he said? Well, he said, “S**t. Great. This is just great! Thank you government!” Praise the Lord government, he did. Therefore, I believe he deserves the Datukship as he has recognized the government for providing an astonishing train service yesterday. Well, I don’t mind another jammed commuter door when I get to hear praises like this everyday! Certainly wouldn’t mind that we had to stop at the next station due to the jammed door too! He was such a heartthrob, so much younger and so much more drama than Shah Rukh Khan! Please, please give him the Datukship, okay?

I want to ask for more, but I am reminding myself that I should not make anymore Pepsi advertisement. I have done many advertisements and I am sick of doing another. Therefore, I will stop here and let you settle the issues I have addressed before I can make another Pepsi advertisement.

Oh ya, please pretend that you have NEVER CAME ACROSS this letter as I am worried for my LIFE. I do not want to be used as a target of the meriam buluh your kids use to play during Raya. Neither do I want your orang gaji to be accused of causing my death pushing me down the stairs and breaking a bone or two.

Thank you Abang, for looking into this letter and may you not turn your head the other way like you always do. Because either way, you ARE balding.

Your kiut sayang,
Atreyu Strange

P/S: No, I am NOT complaining.
Post P/S: Tell her I won't whitemail you. I'm too afraid of the meriam buluh I saw at your gate.

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