Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Apologies, Hopes and Dreams

We live through ups and downs. So, it is not fair to judge if a year is more devastating than the other or vice versa. It is fair to simply say "LIFE ISN'T FAIR". Huhu.

Like a tradition, before the year ends, we take a moment to reflect on our life for the year, and I often find myself burden with guilt. Ahaa, proven guilty is a proof of misbehave! Guilt kills. Therefore, I would like to apologize to several people.
  • Mum. For not being a better child. I love you. I'm sorry for everything I couldn't do/provide.
  • Any friends who had been offended by my words/behaviors/actions, sorry! I'm sure I didn't mean any of it!
  • The ex-boyfriend. I'm sorry for leaving you. You don't deserve me. I don't know if anyone ever deserve me.
  • My beloved cousin, I didn't know I was putting you into so much trouble. You must hate me for that. I'm so sorry. You're still the cousin I adore.
  • Grandma, I'm sorry if I still bring tears to you even though you're in heaven. I'm trying my best grandma.

I don't make resolutions when New Year arrives because I don't believe in them. Resolutions are bound to break, just like rules. In fact, I find a friend's resolution interesting - to fulfill last year's resolution. Stylo Milo I tell you! Haha.

Therefore, I choose to only hope and dream. Huhu. The list as following:
  • I hope to have a fatter paycheck. Ahaa. Who doesn't??
  • I dream of changing job. It's due.
  • I dream of a stress-free life. This would NEVER happen!
  • I hope the satan dies, if possible in the first quarter of '09. Yeahh, watever you think of me.
  • I hope my brother would perform his best in SPM. Oh wait, that's not mine to hope for! Dem you bro!
  • I dream of getting married, heck, I mean, boyfriend. Haha.
  • I hope to donate blood. Failed several times before due to unhealthy blood. Fingers crossed this time.
  • I hope to visit my favourite country. Fingers crossed - again.

Not much of a list eh? BEAT IT. I don't really take a New Year seriously. Every morning is the beginning of something new.


Monday, December 29, 2008

Hari Malas

Hari ini rase sangat malas. Golek2 atas katil, bace blog org len. Nak update blog sendiri, tp xde idea. [Kamu] kate, update la perihal aktiviti liar semalam. Yer, kami meLIAR semalam. Dari Tekala, ke Gabai, ke Air Panas. Haha. Main2 air ajew la! Korang pikir aper haa? haa? haa?!! *Saje nk suspen*

Tibe2, aku terpikirkan Corndog. Haihh. Beliau ni dah la merosakkan kepala aku tentang lelaki2 encem, tapi aku still layan gak kepale biol beliau. Kunun2 segan nak masuk air. Sekali dah masuk, TAKMAU KELUAR! Memang seswai la dgn jiwa kamu wahai budak Kecik! Ohh, adakah aku baru saja kantoikan siapa Corndog?? Kwang3~

Eh, jap, jap. Bukan ke Corndog tu watak jahat dalam blog aku nih?? Apsal aku layan jek dia main air semalam tu?? Ahh, nak wat camne, aku kan budak baik! Ahaa. Suke lah puji diri sendiri!

Antara Tekala dan Gabai, len kali, korang pilih la Gabai yer! Psst, bdk2 liar nih tak reti pilih port. Eheh. Ampun ya bdk2 liar. Tapi aku memang suke Gabai dari dulu lagi. Tekala tu ramai sangat pengunjung. Dan tiada air terjun. Dan tiada tempat meluncur. *Komplen, komplen*

Ohh, tapi aku suke tengok muke Corndog yang bengang sbb kene naik tangga ala2 Batu Caves kat Gabai. Pergh. PADAN MUKE KO! Lalala~

Eh, Hari Malas kalu translate pi Bahasa Inggeris jadi Lazy Day, kan? Apakah ia sama maksud dengan DO NOTHING DAY? Huhu.

Erm, aku takmau lah same kan ia. Sebab Do Nothing Day harus dilakukan bersama kawan, yakni lepak2 dengan kawan tanpa melakukan sebarang aktiviti. Psst, lepak tu kira aktiviti ke??

Kalu Hari Malas, malas sorg2 jek. Macam aku skang nih. Haha.

Alamak. Aku lupa nak pi ofiz bukak server siot! Camne weh?? Ahh, MALAS! Kamu2 di Eropah, tak perlu anta emel tanya pasal ketiadaan server besok yer. Aku MALAS nk layan emel korg! Bluwekk~ *emo tetibe*

Dah lah. Lapa.

[Kamu] gastrik lagi? Tunggu seminggu baru sembuh bai! Lol, sejak bile aku gune 'bai'?? CHEE-LAh-NUT btol sape ajar aku nih??!!

Bile lapa, tido. Bila ngantuk, makan. Yeahh!! That's the way, ah-ha, ah-ha!

* Ergh!! Ape aku tengah taip nih??

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Wallet

Got tagged by Ammar. Ahaa, your personal blog got busted here and now!

Here it goes.

1. Snap the picture of both inner and outer of your wallet.

2. Introduce your wallet brand, price, and where you bought it.
It's a MilkTeddy. Got this for RM15, I think. You get this plenty in shopping malls. I got mine in Kuantan Parade, I think. Haha.

3. Take out what ever is inside your wallet ( at least 5 pictures).
ROCK THE WORLD 8 TICKET - very, very important to highlight; for an anonymous moron who needed proof.

4. Snap a picture of your wallet with yourself.
I know, I know. Why not a photograph of my pretty face? It didn't specifically say FACE, did it? Ahaa. So, my hand would do.

5. Tag 5 other persons.
Ammar and CikPin had tagged all my friends from the real world, so I'm left to tag people from the cyber world. I'd like to tag Bob, Kickdafella, Kak Yasmin, Abg Khir, and Uncle Mahathir. Haha. LIKE THEY CARE.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Bedtime Stories Movie Review

"Skeeter Bronson (Adam Sandler), is a hotel handyman whose life is changed forever when the bedtime stories he tells his niece and nephew start to mysteriously come true. He attempts to take advantage of the phenomenon, incorporating his own aspirations into one outlandish tale after another, but it's the kids' unexpected contributions that turn Skeeter's life upside down."
- Wikipedia
Ehee. I'm a lil lazy right now to type my own synopsis.


When I first saw the trailer to this movie during the screening of Madagascar2, I thought to myself that this is a must-watch movie for me since it coincides with the name of my blog. And it's quite cool coz I get to watch the premiere of Bedtime Stories at 12am, Christmas day, as it is only set to release on the 1st of January 2009 here.

Anyway, I should be begin to rant.

Why the movie is hilarious
  • Patrick and Bobbi. Really cute kids. And I love how they twist the story thatSkeeter tells.
  • Bugsy! He's such a cool guinea pig!
  • The Ferrari joke. They actually turned a horse RED!

Why the movie is NOT hilarious
  • To be honest, boring storyline.

I think this movie is much more boring than Madagascar 2 although Ammar disagrees. But, I would rather you trust me on this! I have better opinion *hint:ego*. Haha. Sorry pal!

Ouhh, c'mon. Just look at the review I just gave. It shows how 'little' impression I have about the movie. It is not a BAD movie, so I am not going to sue Walt Disney for using the name of my blog and ruining the goodname. Haha. *giler berlagak*

Monday, December 22, 2008

Protes Pertandingan I-Dance

Malam tadi aku sempat terdengar lagi pasal Pemuda PAS bhgn Pulau Pinang yang bengang sebab ader satu kumpulan remaja beragama Islam yang telah dibenarkan untuk bertanding dalam Pertandingan I-Dance (Tarian Jalanan). Sebelum ni, PAS memang dah buat protes, dan yang lebih teruk, protes tu mintak pihak penganjur supaya BATALKAN terus pertandingan tu! Huh, sungguh tidak considerate. Apa ntah beza pertandingan ni dgn rancangan realiti tv sehati berdansa pe jadah tu (maaf, aku xtau title siri itu, aku bukan follower). Nape tak wat protes untuk menghalang rancangan realiti tv tu? Erk. Kalu ader yang protes pasni dan rancangan itu ditamatkan, pasti aku akan dibelasah oleh CikPin yang minat benar rancangan itu! Adehh.

Anyway, berbalik kepada cerita Pemuda PAS PP yang bengang, mereka bengang sbb pihak penganjur benarkan budak2 beragama Islam tu join. Mula2 tu, aku ingat nak berfikiran rasional. Aku pun pikirlah, pasti Pemuda PAS bengang sbb budak2 beragama Islam tu gadis2 belasan tahun yang pakai skimpy clothes pastu menari tarian mengghairahkan ala2 female r&b dancers. Ishk2, memang tak patot sungguh la kalu begitu!

TAPI, aku dapat tau, bdk2 remaja tu hanyalah 3 jejaka yang mengenakan seluar panjang itam, baju kaler putih, dan muke ala2 JOKER! Aikk? Takkan PAS takot ngan Joker kot?? Huhu. Ouhh, nape muke cam Joker? Sbb mereka bertanding sebagai sekumpulan MIMES. LOL. Mimes, LOL, MIMES! What could POSSIBLY go wrong with being mimes?? Adehh, aku ingat takmo speaking, kan dah ter-speaking tu! Haha.

Bising punya bising, kumpulan remaja Islam itu tak berjaya pun ke pusingan akhir. Haha. (Ntah2, sabotaj, supaya PAS bleh hentikan protes drg?? Huhu.)

Hal ni dah menjadi isu politik sbb ia membabitkan DAP dan PAS. Dah lah dua2 pun sayap Pakatan Rakyat. Tapi, kalu btol niat baik Pemuda PAS tu takmau umat dia terjebak dalam kegiatan sosial yang melalaikan, agak2 la wei. Itu hanya satu bentuk tarian yang aku rase menyihatkan je. Miming siot, bukan senang tau x! Kene ader teknik, facial expression yang bagus, badan kene lembik, eh, maksud aku, fleksibel. Heh.

Kalu camni la pemikiran mereka, lepas ni jangan salahkan pihak yang meletakkan syarat ini dalam mana2 dan APA2 pertandingan pun:
  1. Terbuka kepada semua warganegara Malaysia kecuali yang beragama Islam.
Korg buat penganjur jadi serba-salah. Kalu ajak join, kata tak sensitif. Tak ajak join, kata mendiskriminasi.

Dah lah. Sengal tol. Baik gi cekup Mat Rempit. Sioootttttt.

* Aku suke org link aku di blog drg tu. THANK YOU. Tapi aku cukup TAK SUKE kalu niat korg hanya utk menjadi SPY. Jangan begitu yer. MOVE ON. Jangan APIKAN DIRI SENDIRI. Kamu jugak yang terbunuh. *ingat nak ckp kasar, tp aku tgh restrain diri.
* Aku suke link kerana suke kan penulisan blogger. Atau kerana penulis kwn aku. Heeee~
* Encik Nabil, Disney yang tiru name belog aku. Hampeh.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

RTW8 Report

When we arrived at the so-called Secret Garden, we managed to catch the act of three College Band Search winners: Sharpshooter, Harvesting Space Sounds, and err, I think Dance To The Radio. Sorry if I am wrong. I did not pay much attention to them. Hoho. Harsh.

But I am very impressed with Harvesting Space Sounds because they had some influence of Muse in their sound and their vocalist. Congratulations Harvesting Space Sounds, you now have a fan here. Ahaa. (Not that they DON'T HAVE ANY fans yet!) Anyway, anyone found their Myspace yet? I haven't...

One disappointment is (as usual) the bands which performed did not go according to the schedule. After the opening acts by College Band Search winners, they were suppose to kick off with Estrella. But they started with Upon Arrival, which disappointed ME MOST. Huhu.

As usual, I'd like to make a few notes here about the bands that has performed. Not all will be mentioned. Those not mentioned, either I think they were O-K, or I did not watch them because someone had to get a pair of new slippers after his got ripped off during a serious mosh pit! Nahh, I'm just kidding, we got stuck in a crowd jam at the entrance and someone carelessly stepped on his slippers causing it to rip off. Hua3~

Upon Arrival
They are now OFFICIALLY in my list of BANDS I DON'T LIKE. Enough said.

Zip Zieller
Not bad. Impressed me, although the vocalist was screaming. At least, not as bad as Upon Arrival (sorry guys!).

They stole the spotlight (it's only a metaphor, it was still daylight then, hehe), and left us all wanting for more. I wouldn't say it's the best of RTW8, but we all enjoyed it.

I missed about two (or maybe three) songs because of a terrible crowd jam at the entrance. They started right after a break, and since many of us went out of the secret garden, we had to go through a retarded security check before we could get in back. Anyway, Sam was good. Ahaa, I never said he was lousy, have I? Heee... Ok la, I have to be fair, THEY were AWESOME. Some talented youngsters I tell ya..

Koffin Kanser
I know I was pretty harsh in my previous review during their performance at KAMI The Gig. Either they have read my blog (like I am ANY famous) and decided not to scream so much, or the vocalist SIMPLY decided, well, let's bring in Republic of Brickfields and make HAPPY songs for the crowd today! Yeahh, it was WEIRD. He screamed (more like yelling) for ONE song, and then they were just playing instrumental music to the crowd. No more screaming, and that was it. Next band!
* I bet fans who had started FIVE mosh pits then were disappointed too.

Bittersweet/The Times/Estranged/The Otherside Orchestra
All were bringing good music on stage. Bravo guyz!

HATE them. Need I say more?

One Buck Short
They have so much experience, so they know their stuff pretty well. By the way, I did not SEE them perform. I was just LISTENING to them from a distance. We were a lil tired then, and thought we'd just listen to them from the car parked outside of the Secret Garden. And even from a distance, we know they are giving a good show.

I've heard them before and I never really liked them. So, I don't have much say about them but according to Ammar, he's disappointed. Hmm.

By the way, I heard there was a slight hitch when Radhi performed. Something about his unbuttoned shirt? Too bad I missed their performance due to unforeseen circumstances (hint:slippers). Heh.

Ohh, and I love the MC. He was a joke himself. No offense dude, I'm simply making a point to say, you're a natural at cracking stupid, laid back, unintentional jokes!

* did not snap any picture from RTW8 to prove you my existence at the venue. heh.
* i have a dooodolls now! and it has yet been named.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Gift of Life

About three weeks ago, my aunt gave me a few copies of the National Organ Donor Registration Form. I'm not sure if she is an organ donor herself, taken into consideration her current health.

I have always wanted to pledge for my organs and tissues to be used for transplantation after death. It is the only humanitarian act of charity that I could possible do when I die to hopefully, save lives. The Gift of Life.

While exploring the 1-page form, I came about the key question to what I wish to pledge.
I wish that after my death:-

a) [ ] All my organs and tissues

b) OR (you can tick more than one)
  • [ ] Kidneys
  • [ ] Heart
  • [ ] Liver
  • [ ] Lungs
  • [ ] Eyes
  • [ ] Bones
  • [ ] Skin
be removed for the purpose of transplantation.
Ahaa. I DEFINETELY would not go for option A! It kinda freak me out to actually allow my eyes, bones and skin for transplantation!

My internal organs would do. *smiles*

* I wonder if someone receives my heart, will that person carry on my emo legacy... Ahaa.
* Anyone who wants the form, you're more than welcome to get one from me.
* I want to stay positive. *smirk*

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Malam tadi ada penjaga yang menjaga hatiku.
Namun keceriaan malam tidak datang percuma.
Kerana malam ini hatiku keruan.
Menjadi tidak tentu arah kerana si setan.

Sudah lama aku tak merasa ceria begitu.
Kenapa aku tak rasa pelik malam tadi.
Malah keceriaan terbawa-bawa hingga ke pagi.
Kenapa aku tak perasan ini pasti mendatang.

Malam ini aku penuh rasa bingung.
Bukan. Bukan bingung.
Tapi marah.
Kenapa setan?
Kenapa ganggu keceriaan aku?
Kenapa kau tak boleh jadi sesuatu yang bertanggungjawab?
Walhal kau lah kepala.

Tak nampak ke perit aku di sini?
Kau anggap aku ini hanya tahu bergembira?
Kau tu buta!
Kau tak nampak apa yang aku dah lakukan untuk mereka.
Aku mahu menjadi baik.
Kerana kau setan yang hanya tahu menjadi setan.

Aku mahu terus menjadi manusia yang baik.
Aku mahu terus membantu mereka.
Tapi kau menghalang aku.
Kau membantutkan cita-cita aku.
Nyah kau setan!
Nyah kau dari hidup aku. Dan mereka yang ku sayang.
Kami tak perlukan kau.
Kau perlu bersemadi.

* Penulis dirasuk mood EMO GILER. Maaf jika terlalu kasar untuk bacaan anda.
* Entri ini ADA kena-mengena dengan yang hidup dan TIDAK mati lagi. Dem.

Update: Rock The World 8

Results from Rock The World College Band Search:

1. Static Emily
2. Harvesting Space Sounds
3. Sharpshooter
4. Incarnation
5. Dance To The Radio
6. Out To Bed

They will be the opening acts for Rock The World 8. Don't miss out on them (although I think I would, hehe).

Oh yeahh, heard that Laila's Lounge WON'T BE COMING. They are being replaced by Bittersweet. Dem. I was hoping LL would perform Stargazer - the influence of Muse in their sound. Sigh.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Once a Corn Dog, Always a Corn Dog

"Out of 10 stories he tells you, DO NOT believe 11 of it" - Anonymous dude.

Ouhh, I wasn't gonna talk about corn dog. I am just hungry right now. Huhu.

The corn dog I am gonna blab about is the corn without the 'R' and no dogs harmed. Ahaa. Conman.

I have a friend who had previously con me with his story. His fooling strategy was well-arranged, it almost looked like he was innocent. Yet, I let that episode slip away as I believe in a reason for everything.

Yesterday, I realized that I am almost his con victim again, this time involving money. He played and hid it quite well for almost a month now. Last night, his strategy begin to fall apart. And he begin to stutter on the phone.

To the conman,
Deny as much as you want. Deny ALL OF IT if you need to. But we all know the truth. One con story can be our misinterpretation of your 'good-heartedness'. Two con story; is NO COINCIDENCE.

You've put on a good show, I am amused.
It's time to let the red curtain fall.
I, shall take the bow.

* I still regard you as a friend, because I believe in "second chances".
* Oh wait, this is your THIRD. Dem.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Los dan Faun

Setelah dipujuk dan dirayu oleh CikPin, aku telah menemani beliau untuk menonton filem baru arahan Afdlin Shauki yang berjudul Los dan Faun. Kali pertama aku dengar name citer ni dan setelah diberitahu sinopsis citer, aku teringat plak kesamaan citer ni dengan anime Getbackers. Heh, sape2 yang layan Getbackers, tak perlu la layan citer ni, kerana ia akan menghampakan anda. Encik CarLOS Rodrigo dan Ahmad FAUN takde superpower cam Amano Ginji and Mido Ban. Muahahaha!!! (gelak kejam yer rakan2)

Kisah bermula di sebuah kedai coli. Aper diorang buat kat situ? Ahaa, di situ lah bermulanyer kisah Faun tunjuk terer cari barang hilang. Wakakaka!! Yang si Los plak, as usual, LOST. Heh.

Walaupun Los itu LOST ketika itu, namun beliau lah yang mendapat ilham untuk memulakan perniagaan mencari barang yang hilang. Macam2 yang dicari balik. Coli, duit loteri apek Cina, wang haram sindiket dadah, ahli2 kumpulan 4U2C, Kickdefella yang menyorok dari ISA, bendera yang terbalik. Eh, taklah, aku tipu je sumer tu! Ahaa~

Oleh kerana kehebatan mereka telah digembar-gemburkan di iklan akhbar dan TV, maka Datin Jasmin mula la merisik Faun. Eh, maksud aku, merisik kebolehan Los dan Faun mencari jam tangan hasben terchenta dia yang hilang ketika kene strok. Terkejut mereka apabila diberitahu oleh Datin Jasmin yang jus papaya kegemaran mereka tak dapat diproses. Haha. Taklah, diorang terkejut bila diberitahu harga jam tangan tu RM 30 juta. (apsal aku asyik nak wat lawak nih??)

Apa yang seronok:
  1. Ketika bapak Faun ter-tengok citer Brokeback Mountain, pastu asyik bayangkan anaknya itu gay kerana asyik citer problem dia dengan Los jek.
  2. "I miss you, but not in a gay way, owkay!" Wahaha~
  3. Selena Mysterina!! Beliau pandai buat magik cabut mata ohh!! Hehe.
  4. Time Jefri nak bunuh diri. Macam starfish lah kamu! Haha.

Apa yang tak best:
  1. Jalan citer bosan, flat. Kalu tak kerana lawak dan fikirkan duit RM11 yang aku bayar kat si gadis kaunter GSC, memang aku dah blah dah. Haha.
  2. Rambut Los. Aku takleh concentrate tgk muvi ni sbb aku asyik perhati rambut Los! Geram sehh, rasa cam nak gune pencukur rambut jek atas kepala dia!
  3. Faun yang bajet terer. Adlin tak pandai bawak watak bijak pandai. Memang nampak seperti lakonan semata-mata.
  4. Adlin tak reti bagi penerangan. Lepas dia terangkan sesuatu, aku makin konfiuz. Kesimpulannya, aku konfiuz tentang konspirasi antara Sofar Sogood, Dick, Datin Jasmin dan Amran. (CikPin baru je bwat penerangan ending Los dan Faun kat YM)

Saranan untuk Encik Afdlin Shauki:
  1. Sila tulis skrip yang tak berbelit-belit dan sesuai difahami oleh semua lapisan masyarakat seperti Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan, Bajau, Murut, Iban, Bidayuh, Serani dll. Mandi hadas besar? Huh, aku terpakse tanya CikPin apejadah mende tu!
  2. Jika terfikir untuk amik Adlin untuk berlakon, aku rekomen ko amik CikPin jek la. Sekurang-kurangnya, aku paham la jugak penerangan CikPin. Kwang3~
Rating? Tak perlu la. Aku masih sayangkan industri perfileman negara, jadi tak perlu la saya berlaku jujur disini. Erk. Hipokrit!

Monday, December 15, 2008


Baru selesai konflik Pentagon.
Penat aku menahan sakit.
Hari ini konflik hati yang mati.

Tolong lah.
Hati ini dah mati pun.
Kau takkan mampu hidupkan semula.

Konflik Pentagon. Konflik Hati mati.
Ada seorang yang tersepit rupanya.
Bukan aku. Tapi kamu.

Kamu sedarkah?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Four Months

Everytime I decide to write a decent entry, it will always be followed by an emo post. I don't know why. It's as though my life cannot run from being emotionally distracted. Only yesterday I felt really good in 2 weeks after so much conflict, today I am haunted by my past.

The EX BOYFRIEND is back...

Yes. And this time, I DID NOT INTEND to awaken my past relationship.

So why did he come back after 4 months of silence? He said, he had waited for too long for my apology. Excuse me, but if you HAD BEEN reading my blog, you should know by now the reason why I do not want to be apologetic.

You know, you're so lucky that I replied your text message this morning. And you're also lucky that I picked up your phone call this morning.

You NEVER replied my message before. You NEVER picked up my phone calls before. You've made your point well - you wanted OUT. You wanted to forget me. You were throwing me away from your life. And I understood your signals. And I raised my flags. (It wasn't white by the way. That's just too feminine!)

But today, you said I read your signals wrongly. You were ALL ALONG waiting for the word "I'm sorry" and everything will be back to normal. Well, I am sorry now that I have misread your signals. And I am sorry that I am moving on.

I wished you birthday. I wished you festive. You didn't wish my birthday. You didn't wish my festive. What should I think of you then?

I feel bad that I have not waited for you to this day. I am sure you are hurt. MUCH MORE hurt right now. But you have sent me all the wrong signals. Signals that you HATE me. And it struck me two months ago, to move on because there weren't any point hanging by a moment of silence. I never heard from you...

FOUR MONTHS, is bloody too long. Anymore love left? I beg to differ. (I hope)

* I'd like to remain friends with all my exes. It's called guilty conscious. Ahaa.
* It is exactly four months today.
* I wonder why there's no one at the badminton court today. I miss my wake up calls to the sound of the shuttlecock!
* Nevermind the wake up call, I did not sleep well anyway.
* I'm adding a new label called 'Emo'. Heh.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Reason for Everything, the Effect of Decision Making

Remember how you felt when you just broke up and you have no idea why the other half decided to call it quits? Remember how everyone else disagrees yet you decided to date Mr Casanova?

Why did your other half make that heart-breaking decision? Why did you agree to the date?

There must be a reason behind every action, whether good or bad is another question/issue.

Once in a while, we all make bad decisions. I have made several bad decisions, taken wrong paths and turning at points of no return. All with a cause. And all with a reason.

Yet, making the right decision doesn't guarantee you a positive closure either. There is no warranty for taking the right path. No way to tell if the right decision IS RIGHT.

Sometimes, we are offered a "second chance" - to make an alteration to our decision for a better closure. Most of the time, we live with the decision we make.

How do we handle a bad decision then? Fall into depression? But for how long? I know I am an emo person, but I also know when it is time to get up and move on.

So, just how do we get up and move on?

Just remember, there is A REASON FOR EVERYTHING. And I ALWAYS believe, it is for a GOOD reason.

* I am putting no sense, am I? I've thought so. Sigh~

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Dah lama tak nampak Jen nangis.

Tengok di cermin, hodoh.
Ouhh, tapi bukan sebab nangis.
Tapi sebab rambut curl yang tak jadi!

Aku lemah juga rupanya.

Nenek, aku rindu kan kamu.
Kenapa kekuatan itu pergi bersama kamu.

Jen, sudah lah.
Tiada siapa lapkan air mata tu.
Kita menari dalam hujan ya?

Malam ni nak makan aper?
Makan hati.

Aah, lupakan sebentar.
Jom layan lagu Kappa Mikey!

Terima kasih ya kamu.

* lagi-lagi post emo. aku sendiri bosan. tapi, apakan daya.. ergh~

Tiba Waktu

Mungkin sudah tiba waktu
Untuk mengundur diri.

Maafkan aku, kamu.
Aku keliru rupanya.

Maaf juga kerana
Cakap tak serupa bikin.

* Dah kata, clean entri takkan tahan lama.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Event of the Month: Rock the World 8

20th December 2008 (Saturday)

The Secret Garden, Stadium Merdeka

Expected Bands to Perform:
[Estranged] [One Buck Short] [The Times] [Purevibracion] [Bunkface]
[Republic of Brickfields] [Butterfingers] [Koffin Kanser]
[The Otherside Orchestra] [Laila's Lounge] [Revenge]
[They Will Kill Us All]
[Komplot] [OAG] [Upon Arrival]

Ticket is at RM25. Available at all Rock Corner, Music Valley, Tower Records, Extreme outlet. Also can be bought on the day of event at venue.

~The one in red are the bands I am most looking forward to!

~Not to sure if Zip Zieller is gonna be there because I heard rumors saying they won't be performing.

~Did I mention I HATE Koffin Kanser?


~Anyone care to join me?

* It's been awhile since I last write a clean entry like this.
* I have a feeling this clean entry won't last till tonight. Ahaa~

Monday, December 08, 2008

Kembali ke KL

Setelah 5 hari di Langkawi, sehari di KL dan 2 hari di Kuantan, aku kembali semula ke KL.

Dan aku buntu.

Mengapa kita manusia perlu ada propaganda? Mengapa kita tidak boleh hidup baik-baik tanpa sebarang agenda yang hanya akan memakan diri kelak?

Sedar tak sedar, dia hanya memerangkap dirinya.

Hentikanlah permainan ini. Aku tak seronok bermain. Aku rasa tersepit.

Dan kamu, jangan menghilang ya? Kamu tahu kan, aku tak sanggup kehilangan walaupun ia lebih mudah berbanding menghilang...

** Aku perlukan kawan. Kawan yang tidak mengambil kesempatan di atas kelemahan aku sekarang...

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Goodbye Dr Stankov

Within a short period of only 4 days, I have developed a strong emotional bond with a 67 year old man who happens to have the same hairstyle as Mr Colonel; who also writes mind-disturbing journals on militant extremism.

He thinks it's because of his white hair. I think it's his personality. And as much as I HATE to say this, my heart felt heavy when you said your goodbye, Dr Stankov.

OR perhaps, I saw my grandma smiling through you.. Perhaps..

* I know how much my friends in the real world and cyberspace miss me. Ahaa. I'll be back to KL tomorrow, okay?
* Tonight, I'll get LOTS of chocolates!!... And Jack Daniels for my dad...ergh~

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Langkawi Day 1 & 2

Day 1.

The worst flight journey. There were TOO MANY kids in the plane and it was damn noisy. I love kids, but I was very distracted by the noise yesterday.

Day 2.

I hate my morning. I want to go home.
I'm pissed off. And devastated.
Please, take me home?

* How ironic the post I had earlier. Sigh..

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