Tuesday, March 31, 2009

TM in a NUTshell

Everytime the office loses its internet connection, I dread myself to dial 100. It's annoying, because not only I have to go through the answering machine and listen to broken-English announcements, but I also have to endure the almost-everytime-SLOW customer service.

Everytime I pick the phone to call 100, I would take a deep breathe and let out a LONG SIGH before punching the numbers. And I would wait almost patiently for the other end.

It was the same thing yesterday. Lost the connection, took a deep breathe, gave a long sigh, and punched the numbers. And I waited. Almost patiently...

Me : Hi, I'm calling to report an internet disconnection here in my office.
CSO: Can I have the user ID, Miss ***?
Me : It's D,A,...
CSO: I'll repeat ya. T,A,...
Me : No, it's D for Denmark.
CSO: Ouhh, ok. D for Denmark, A for America, * for ****, * for *****, I for England, and * for ****.
Me (WHAT THE F***??!!!) : Errrr, yeahh... whatever...
CSO: Alright, Miss ***, so you are ....bla bla bla...

Enough said, are they pathetic or what?? I thought they should have a standard code for all that?? I guess I'm wrong. Well, what the heck! They NEVER provide good service ANYWAY!

* It may seem like a personal attack on that particular CSO, but I blame her Team Leader! Bongok. Apsal ko tak monitor keje diorang ha? Mane pi khidmat profesional?? Ke tak penah tau???
* This reminds me, ever heard 'em reading from the manual? It's DAMN ANNOYING I tell ya!
* Take this weight off my shoulder, please...

Monday, March 30, 2009


Jika anda ingin membaca mengenai transformasi yang berlaku dalam Akademi Fantasia, ini bukan belognya. Cuba lagi.

Ini transformasi tentang hidup aku. Ketika aku sedang menaip ini, transformasi itu sedang berlaku. Namun, transformasi itu juga menjadi masalah pada aku. Terlalu banyak masalah sampai aku tiada fokus masalah mana yang harus aku selesaikan dulu. Bagaimana hendak diselesaikan juga aku tidak tahu. Jika aku tersilap langkah, masalah lain pula yang akan timbul.

Aku pening. Rasa seperti mahu muntah darah setiap kali terfikirkan masalah yang melanda. Mahu menangis tiada terdaya. Bukan di hadapan mereka semua. Aku bukan lemah, kau fikir. Aku sangat lemah, jawab hati aku.

Transformasi, aku mahu. Tapi ia bukan mudah. Aku anak sulung. Tanggungjawab aku besar. Kenapalah aku perempuan, bukan lelaki! Duit pula tidak datang berguling di hadapan aku. Tabah, cukup ke? Kusut, sangat kusut.

Rakan-rakan, dengarkan. Setan itu sudah tidak berfungsi. Waktu ini, si kacak mungkin sudah berada di Sungai Buloh bagi meneruskan pembelajaran. Si manja yang bulat itu pula, mungkin belajar di Puchong. Wanita yang membawa aku ke dunia, beliau masih mencari kekuatan.

Masih di sini.
Mencari jalan penyelesaian...

* Kepada yang suka menyakiti hati aku, berhentilah walaupun seketika. Aku tidak terdaya kini.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Surat Untuk Rakan-rakan

Selamat pagi rakan-rakan,

Apa khabar kau semua? Sudah beberapa hari tidak mendengar khabar. Maaf kerana tiada masa terluang untuk kita bermesra. Pagi ini pun, aku sekadar mencuri masa yang ada untuk menulis surat ini. Semoga kau dapat membaca isi surat ini pabila sudah bangun nanti. Bagus juga ya kemudahan untuk ber-belog ini.

Rakan-rakan, kehidupan ini sukar bukan? Namun, kita perlu juga mengharungi kesukaran itu. Aku pasti, ada sesuatu yang indah di hujung sana. Tapi, mana hujungnya? Terasa begitu jauh rakan-rakan.

Orang kata, serahkan semua ini pada yang di atas sana. Tapi sampai bila mahu menanti untuk perubahan? Biar sahaja aku lawan arus itu. Sungguh sukar rakan-rakan. Tapi aku tahu, aku perlu tabah. Begitu juga orang-orang di sekeliling aku. Tolong tabahkan diri kamu untuk aku, boleh?

Waktu begini, sungguh sakit rasanya pabila berdiri sendiri. Aku perlukan sokongan. Namun, aku padamkan saja niat itu bila aku lihat orang lain juga punya masalah. Aku tak tahu masalah siapa yang lagi besar. Tapi, aku memang tak suka akan perbandingan. Mengapa perlu banding? Apa, ia satu kejayaan jika kau punya masalah lagi besar dari aku?

Sakit. Fizikal dan mental ku sakit. Semua kerana mahu puaskan hati orang lain. Namun, kadang kala aku masih dianggap tidak membantu. Aku masih juga dikatakan pilih kasih. Aku penat, rakan-rakan. Apa perlu aku buat?

Terima kasih kerana membaca isi surat ini. Semoga kau dapat melalui hari-hari yang tidak dapat diduga ini. Ingat ya rakan-rakan, walaupun aku tiada di hadapan komputer untuk melayan kerenah anda, aku masih ada masa yang cukup untuk membaca belog anda. Tulislah jika mahu perhatian aku.

Yang mahu sampai hujung sana cepat-cepat,
Atreyu Strange

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Kenny Rise vs Deep B**ch

Kembali lagi dgn post rojak! Oh, abaikan itu title. Saje jew tu.

Aku cuma mahu mengutarakan pandangan aku tentang perkara yang diperkatakan di sini. Ada ke patut blogger ni kutuk aku?? Jom flag blog dia ramai2!! Wakakaka!!

Asalnya, aku hanya mahu komen di blog beliau, namun taip punya taip, panjang la plak kan komen aku nih. Oleh yang demikian, aku jadikan ia satu post di blog aku. Tuan punya blog ABWNIRL, meh la tengok! Ngee~

Taknak taip banyak lagi, berikut adalah sebab kenapa aku mengikuti Kempen Earth Hour tetapi bukan Kempen Boikot Israel.

Earth Hour:
  • Ada tujuan yang KHAS: Utk membentangkan usul yang lebih telus (tiada percampuran politik) bagi menggantikan protokol pejadah yang dah luput tu.
  • Ada target untuk dicapai: Mencapai 1 billion undi. Camne undi? Takyah buang undi, hanya tutup lampu selama sejam.
  • Pemahaman tentang kempen ini agak straighforward: Tiada agenda politik semasa menggubal polisi baru bagi mengawal sumber bumi bla bla bla (aku tak reti bab alam nih, tapi kamu fahamkan politik berada di mana2?)
  • Ada organizer. WWF. And structured.

Boikot Israel:
  • Apa tujuan?: Menyekat kemajuan ekonomi orang Yahudi supaya diorang takde duit nak bekal senjata.
  • Ada target untuk dicapai: Takmau tengok orang Palestin merana dan mahu tunjuk bahawa kita boleh survive tanpa mereka.
  • Pemahaman tentang kempen ini terpesong: Kebanyakan orang yang menyokong kempen ini tidak faham bahawa TAK SEMUA yang berbangsa Yahudi itu bertindak macam Zionis. Hapuskan satu bangsa itu wajar ke?
  • Ada organizer: Bawah tanah. What structure??

Earth Hour kali ni ada matlamat jangka pendek: Dapatkan 1 billion undi untuk pembentangan usul WWF di Copenhagen. That's all.

Bagi aku, perbandingan antara kedua kempen kurang tepat. Kalu Earth Hour, kita semua merasa benefit (termasuk flora dan fauna). Kalu Boikot Israel, bukan semua rase benefit. Will the Jews be stoned to death? Is it fair then? Banyak lagi negara yang diserang guerilla, ditawan bla bla bla. Takmau tolong diorang jugak?

Ok lah, aku memang mengada2 nak bagi alasan. Padahal takde yang kukuh sangat. Ini cara aku tafsir kot. Ilmu dunia, aku takde sangat.

Dah lah, kita berdamai. Tak damai, aku flag blog kamu! Ahaa.

* Aku cool. Kamu cool juga kan? *Nape aku rase kamu akan kate HOTT*. Jangan jadi macam isu ini yang berakhir dengan hati mati. Ahaa.
* Cik Pin yang sedang emo, jika perlu lagu yang emo, buzz me ok?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sexual Identity

I have a Facebook account. Ok, wait - who doesn't???

Ouhh, hold on, I know someone who doesn't! You! Yes, you! *paham2 sendiri suda*

You know how they say Facebook is awesome for social networking? Yeahh, they sure IS awesome. Friends find friends. Long lost buddy finds long lost buddy. Gaymen finds gaymen. Metrosexuals finds metrosexuals. Jambu finds jambu. Strawberry finds strawberry. Haha. Yeahh, it is THAT awesome!

What bothers me even more is the fact that I can't even begin to differentiate the gays from the metrosexuals, or the metrosexuals from the jambus! But somehow, they find comfort in each other. Haha!

I know they are all in totally different categories, but how can I separate them? I've gone through definitions after definitions, yet I can't get the explanation I sought for. One thing is for sure though, gaymen can be a metrosexual or a jambu. So, that leaves me with two more confusion. Define metrosexual and jambu!

Jambu... hmm, a general rojak definition would be a male who's got soft features, and generally by genes, by birth. Say for example, he's got the eyes of a female Anime character (yeahh, those big spooky eyes). Or he's got the sexiest lips even a guy would wanna kiss! Eeeeuuuwww!!!!!!

What about metrosexual? I've found some really interesting definitions in the internet. Let's make them anonymous ok?
  • A man who spends more time in the bathroom, more money on hair & skin products, goes to the salon more, and has more culinary & interior decorating knowledge than most women.
  • A guy who is gay in every sense except in sexual orientation.
  • Pussified or feminized male that is now brainwashed. He has the fashion sense and vanity of a gay man or a woman. Women have created this type of male after years of whining that "men aren't sensitive enough and can relate to us". Good one!
  • Metrosexuals, likely to be gay, are seen crying with women at chick flicks, shopping at all high end fashion shops and are extremely vain. Contrary to liberal folklore, they are not open minded and sensitive, but shallow towards other men or women who are not trendy or fashionable like them.

Haha. I have a personal definition too. Metrosexual is a male person who;
  • Spends more time in the bathroom shaving off their armpit instead of their, err, ...nvm.
  • Uses skincare products way more expensive than my Nivea products. And when I say WAY MORE EXPENSIVE, it means SKII, Artistry, Elizabeth Arden. Lalala~
  • Knows the difference between waxing, tweezing, laser, electrolysis hair removal methods. Wtf??
  • Stays slim and sometimes develops masculine muscles to attract other male girls.
  • A way better camwhore than I am. Dem.
  • Has good fashion sense, normally following the fashionsteps of David Beckham, Zac Efron, or for an edgy-er look, the indie gaymen. Haha.
  • Only strut around in designer clothes, bags and purse (yeahh, NOT wallet). Ultimate choice would be Louis Vuitton.
  • Smells either like Hugo Boss, Giorgio Armani, Polo or Swiss Army. Lalala~

Gosh, the list could go on! Care to add? Ahaa.

* No offence to all the gaymen, metrosexuals and jambus out there. I'm a slow learner when it comes to sexuality... What's ubersexual, again?? See what I mean? Sigh~
* Thank you Murni for providing the three-layered tea that I've been craving for A YEAR now!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

One Hour For The Earth

Date: 28 March 2009
Time: 8.30 - 9.30pm

Venue: Wherever you live on planet earth

Have you heard of it yet? If you haven't, go here. WWF are urging the world to VOTE EARTH and to reach a target of 1 billion votes. The results will be presented at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009 and it's going to determine official government policies to take action against global warming.

VOTE EARTH is a global call to action for every individual, every business, every community. For the first time in history, people of all ages, nationalities, race and background will have the opportunity to use their light switch as their vote:

Switch off your lights to vote for Earth
Leave them on to vote for global warming

We all have a vote, this is your call. And the best part is NO AGE LIMIT. So, let's join the rest of the world for a good cause - SWITCH IT OFF, damn it!

Malaysians, sign up here. And spread the word.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Less Is Better

No makeup, less makeup or more makeup?
How much makeup is less? And how much makeup is more?
Oh wait, here's a better question:


Some girls look good without any makeup, and yeahh, it's called natural beauty. Some girls try too hard to look pretty, but they end up looking like drag queens.

There's a girl that rides the same bus as me who I notice has no makeup on and she looks dreadful! I repeat, DREADFUL. Almost as dreadful as Eva Longoria without her makeup (sorry Matt). A bit of blusher, concealer and lip balm for that pale lips would be nice, darling!

Another girl I notice, she has TOO MUCH makeup on. If her skin could speak, they would have dialled 911! She should lighten up.

I guess, less is better. How much less? I don't know. I'm no good at makeup at all. In fact, I only put on blushers to work, and SO light, you could barely notice it's there (personal satisfaction). Ouhh, and lip balm is a must. Do you consider lip balm as makeup?? Huhu.

But this is only my opinion. As a female. Guys? Hmm..

With or without, Tyra Banks is HOTT.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Lost Love

Sometimes, when love between two people has crumbled, one decides that LIFE ENDS there too. They refuse food. They do not go out and have fun. They resign from their job. Stop going to school.

All for the sake of lost love.

Honestly, I really cannot digest such attitude. Why do people want to resign from their job? Why does she stop attending classes? Why do you refuse food? One conclusion: you want the attention from the person who left you. Well, you might win the attention back, but I perceive this win as nothing more than a sympathetic win.

So anyone out there experiencing a lost love, get back on your feet. Why let that love die? If it is not for her, there are others who needs it. Kids on the street, kids at shelter homes, old folks left by their kids... There is so much love that we can give to others. Share it with those who WANTS and NEEDS the love. Don't let it die on you...

I am not a saint. Neither am I religious. It amazes me sometimes why I could continue living a life even with all my dark secrets, yet someone who prays to God EVERYDAY fails to get up and move on. As a matter of fact, if you believe in God, then why STOP LIVING?

* I've always thought of myself as a lost soul. In fact, my sister kept my phone number with the ID Lost Soul. But I did not realize that there are lost souls far more lost than I am...
* This is a mature reading, so if you cannot bring yourself to agree to the above, you're NOT MATURE.
* I am not mature at my attitude level, but I am mature at my thinking level. And since thinking comes before attitude, I have no problem with it. Agreed, cognitive scientists?

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Betul Betul Betul!

Takyah lah aku kasik sinopsis. Dah melambak kat dunia blogosphere nih. Ni jek aku nak cakap (sebab ni jek yang aku bleh ingat time tengah palau camni):

Best wohh!!
  • Uncle Muthu sangat bagus menyenaraikan menu makanan di kedai beliau. Sama seperti waiter2 kat Murni SS2. Haha.
  • Latar muzik yang dimainkan ketika Oopet meninggalkan Rajoo berkesan. Terasa sayu sebentar. Sebentar je lah sebab pastu si Upin ngan Ipin gi wat lawak plak! Lempang kang.
  • Jalan citer yang simple, mudah difahami semua lapisan masyarakat (tua, muda, miskin, kaya, gemuk, pendek, tinggi, kurus, hitam, putih, erk) dan penuh dengan lawak spontan. Tak macam citer Los dan Faun yang berbelit dan lawak dibuat-buat. Aku masih tak puas ati ngan filem tu. Huhu.

Ok la, korang kasik improve ini, ini, dan ini.
  • First thing yang aku perasan ialah pergerakan bibir dan pertuturan tidak selaras. Takpe, dimaafkan. Hanya orang mengade2 macam aku je yang suke mengadu pasal mende camni. Hehe.
  • Ketika bas yang Badrol dan Lim naik tu memulakan perjalanan, saiz bas tu jika aku bandingkan dengan saiz bangunan-bangunan bersebelahan adalah terlalu besar. Disengajakan? Tak tau la.
  • Pergelangan tangan Sally (nama dalam kad pengenalan: Salleh) pelik! Apakah ia juga disengajakan? Kalau benar pun, ia tetap nampak pelik! Macam bley putus anytime jek tu! Huhu.
  • Tak suke lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh orang-orang kampung tu. Tibe-tibe jadi cam citer Hindustan. Rasa cam nak tikam-tikam jek dada sendiri skrin panggung wayang.

Ok lah, tu je review aku. Bape bintang? Takyah kasik lah. Bersepah dah blog lain kasik bintang. Haha. Yer, aku jeles dengan Les' Copaque, ada masalah??

Ok, pashi pashi. Ape, korang ingat aku tak paham aper Oopet cakap?? Ceh. Underestimate aku!

* Apsal sejak kebelakangan nih post aku dalam bahasa Melayu?? Long live English! Lalala~

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Ada Brani Ka Mau Keje Ngan Bos Haku?

Programmer kitorang dah letak jawatan dengan stailnyer.

Takde sebarang notis atau hint. Tiba-tiba member aku nampak surat letak jawatan atas meja programmer tu pagi nih. Pergh, terkejut kitorang sebab budak nih baru masuk bulan lepas. Tergamam sebentar taktau nak cakap camne kat bos. Tapi, pastu aku gelak. Haha. Elok lah tu, takde programmer yang brani mau keje dengan bos aku! Ape bos aku ni teruk sangat ke? Eceh, lagi mau tanya plak aku nih! Haha.

Bila ofiz manager masuk, aku terus cakap kat dia, tahniah! Mana tak nyer wei, ofiz manager nih tiap hari kene semburan ridsect yang memedihkan mata, HATI DAN TELINGA dari bos. Tapi beliau dah bertahan lebih 6 bulan. Aku lagi la wei (tahniah untuk diri sendiri) sebab dah tahan lebih setahun!

Masuk programmer yang baru letak jawatan nih, dah 3 orang kitorang guna untuk siapkan SATU sistem tu jek. Bukan tak leh siap cepat, tapi asyik tukar programmer punya pasal, keje jalan slow giler lah. Dan sebab demand2 yang tak munasabah dari bos aku, aku yakin, diorang rasa tak gune duduk sini lama2.

Sebenarnye, aku dah menyampah nak cari programmer baru sebab aku dah penat brief tiap programmer tentang projek dan sistem tu. Kalu aku nih programmer yang hebat, dah lame aku wat keje tu sorang2. Tapi sebab aku asyik multi-tasking kat ofiz yang slalu tak cukup kaki dan tangan, aku takleh nak fokus wat programming. Seyes, aku malas nak brief lagi dah.

Dan untuk kau-kau yang kat luar tu, kalau kau rasa kau hebat giler dalam ColdFusion, Adobe Flex dan ActionScript, sila lah hantar resume kau kepada aku. Tapi ingat, pekerjaan yang kau mintak ni bakal mengancam keharmonian mental anda! Tak caye sudah. Aku kasik warning jek dulu. Haha.

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