Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dummy Mics, T-shirt and a Long Lost Friend

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. We were getting ready for the BIG EVENT. We were just in time when the KLStompers started stomping the street of Bintang Walk. They were messing around with brooms, ladders, bottles, FRYING PANS, tong drums… Gosh! It was so much fun watching them perform and the KLStompers themselves were having so much fun! They were connected, they were collaborating and they were definitely communicating with each other.

Then came along the t-shirts and dummy microphones. The host – Ean and JJ from hitz.fm were giving away Everyone Connects free t-shirts and orange microphones by tossing the items off the stage. I find the mic-throwing a bit dangerous though. I was constantly protecting my head whenever I saw a mic heading my way! Haha!

The best moment of the event was when I spotted my LONG-LOST FRIEND from the crowd. It was an amazing moment! It never had crossed my mind that I would meet a long-lost friend in such a crowd! I tapped her shoulder and called out her name, she looked at me and said my name – and that was it, we were jumping, hugging and crying. We were always sort of in a groupie when we were in Form 6. Ergh! This is still unbelievable!

We still rock, don't we?!

We enjoyed the rest of the show together. We were singing with the large crowds using the dummy microphones like it was big karaoke session! And the boyfriend was trying so hard to get the tossing t-shirts – and yes, he managed to grab two – one for me and the other for himself! He also managed to grab the Everyone Connects’s CD. But what a disappointment – I was hoping that the CD would also have Shila’s version of Through My Window, but no, it was not on it! T_T

Then the rain started pouring. We had to move away from the stage because the rain was heavy. Soon, the organizers started giving out disposable raincoats. We grabbed one each, and when back into the stage area to enjoy the rest of the show. It was a good idea to give out the disposable raincoats, but I wished they could have given it out earlier during the t-shirt tossing session. At least I’m not wet YET before putting on the raincoat. Huhu.

To name a few artists that performed that day; there were Suki, Reshmonu, Tomok, the AF gang, and of course, Bunkface! Some other bands that made it through the auditions are Saving Grace Period (Iwani, I saw your bro and he was having a good time up there!), Madamme, The Rodeo, Basolaye, Rock N Roll John and Marionnexxes (Harimau Malaya terbaekk!!). Aahh. So much fun, so just enjoy some pictures here okay?!

4 other story teller(s):

Extremist Thinker said...

patut la pantai timur hujan. ko mmg bomoh hujan terbaik. nanyi kat kl, tolak hujan ke kb. cis!

Allison said...

haha.. cool how u can find ur long lost fren :)

atreyu strange said...

@ET, sori la aku takde vokal yang mantap, jadi pitching aku ke timur! Wahaha!

@Allison, it was totally unbelievable! I ALMOST thought that I was making a fool of myself by tapping a stranger's shoulder and claiming it's a friend! LOL!

Samuel C said...

oooh you were there too=)

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