Friday, October 31, 2008

Emo Playlist??

I think people who cares to read this blog is getting tired of my emo-ness! It's NEVERENDING! I can't even DEFINE emo anymore. Yikes.

But like I've mentioned before, my emo-ness gives me good inspiration. And I am ready to take one step ahead. Of everything. Of caring. Of loving. Of life. Of my emo-ness. Erk~

November will be a good month to start. It's the month with most birthday celebration I know of! Bit, Cik Pin, Yoe, Catherina, my sister, my beloved cousin brother, bla bla, we all share one birthday month - NOVEMBER!!

And to start with getting AHEAD with my emo-ness, here's my EMO playlist. And NO, it's NOT downloadable. And it only consist of Straylight Run. I love their songs. Too bad they don't do good recordings these days.

  1. Straylight Run - Existentialism On Prom Night
  2. Straylight Run - Your Name Here (Sunrise highway)
  3. Straylight Run - Sympathy for the Martyr

Thursday, October 30, 2008

High School Musical 3: Senior Year

The movie title says it all. It is all about senior year, graduating and making choices for the future.

Troy has to decide if he's going to go after a basketball scholarship at University of Albuqueque (did I get the spelling correctly??), or follow his own dream. And Gabriella, who lands in the Stanford honors program, she is tired of living BY THE RULES. Breaking free perhaps? Hehe.

Anyway, along with the rest of the Wildcats, they stage a spring musical to address their experiences, hopes and fears about their future, which they showcast at the end of the movie.

Why I think the movie is OW-KAY.
  1. Sharpay - I love her character!!! Devilish. Bitchy. Nice body. Pretty. Drama queen. Haha. What more could you ask for?? (again - I am NOT a lesbian)
  2. Ryan - The other half of Sharpay. He's got good facial expressions in all the musicals. Sharpay too. They both know how to give good and convincing facial expressions. I have always loved these two characters ever since the first HSM.
  3. Sharpay & Ryan - Haha. I think they are the best characters in ALL the HSM installment! They OWN the musicals.
  4. Opening number Now Or Never, lunch period I Want It All and some jaw-dropping choreography - Good ones.

Why I think the movie SUxX.
  1. Remember how many songs they had in the first musical? Remember how many songs they had in the second musical? Total them up. THAT'S THE NUMBER OF SONGS THEY HAD IN THIS THIRD INSTALLMENT!! WAAAAYYYYY TOOOOOOO MANY!!!!!! It's WORST than a Hindustan/Tamil movie!!! They simply have to sing, strut, dance every 5 minutes interval! It's getting a lil too tired by the first half. Yikes..
  2. Once again, TOO MUCH (uncountable noun) SONGS. Sort of made my emotional attachment, whatever bonding I had in the first-two installments, DISAPPEAR. I couldn't cling to ANY ONE's feeling in the movie because the moment the feeling came in, they START THE DAMN SONG!!!! SERIOUSLY, TOO MUCH SONGS ORTEGA!!!
  3. Troy Bolton - Mr Efron, I don't like when you do solo. You're FAKE.
  4. Duet between Troy and Gabriella - seriously, they were trying to buy us with their fake smile????
  5. Spring musical - I just didn't get the 'kick' I expected.

I don't know how to rate this movie. Perhaps I went with the wrong person with all the wrong reason to watch this movie?? Erk. Lalala~

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


First and foremost, HAPPY DIWALI TO ALL MY HINDU FAMILY AND FRIENDS! I hope you had a great celebration yesterday, and maybe still is having a blast to this hour. Maybe tomorrow too. And the next day. And perhaps the next day. Also the weekend.. Okay, that's a lil' too much! Haha.

I wish I could have given the festive greeting yesterday, but I did not have much time to do a cyber card the day before. Huhu. Even this cyber card I have here has a touch of plagiarism! Adeii.

Anyway, Diwali celebration went well. The only visitor I had is my martial art Master. Thank you for coming Sir, even uninvited. Haha. Speaking of that, I don't mind if you were uninvited, because it shows that you had thought about me, and that's what most important. Cheers.

Owh, he was MY only visitor. The rest that came were friends of my dad, mum and brothers. Oooh, it shows how LAME a friend I am, that no one bothered to show up at the doorstep! Nahh, not really. I'm just losing all my friends in Kuantan to big cities like KL and Penang. (A comforting pat on my back)

Going back to KL tomorrow. Watching High School Musical 3 on Wednesday night? Fingers crossed.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bidadari Parking Lot

Seharusnya ku tulis entri ini beberapa hari yang lalu. Aku pasti rakan-rakan Sepeket ku menanti entri ini sejak hari Jumaat lagi. Namun, apakan daya, tidak terluang masa untuk aku menjenguk belog ku ini. Maaf ya, jika kalian telah dibiarkan menanti.

Ceritera bidadari parking lot adalah suatu kisah benar yang telah berlaku pada hari Khamis, malam Jumaat yang lalu. Aku telah berjanji dengan rakan-rakan ku untuk sama-sama melepak di kedai Pak Ali malam itu.

“Hoii!! Kami dah sampai!! Tempat biasa ya!” Terdengar suara ceria Affezah di hujung talian. Aku segera turun dari apartment menemui mereka. Melihat Fairuz yang agak-agak kotor, aku hanya mampu menggelengkan kepala. Aku membuka pintu belakang Fairuz, lalu duduk di sebelah Prof Ainnor (nama pena).

“Ish, bagaimana harus ku keluar dari tempat ini. Agak-agak sempit lah!” ujar Shefny yang sudah mula gabra sambil melihat cermin sisi dan cermin belakang secara bersilih-ganti.

Shefny menekan pedal gas sedikit demi sedikit. “Tak boleh ni. Fairuz hampir menyentuh kereta tepi ni,” kata Shefny dengan nada panik.

“Kau janganlah ke depan dulu. Apa kata kau reverse dulu,” kataku tanpa apa-apa rasa panik. Ya lah, bukan aku yang sedang membawa Fairuz, detik hatiku.

“A ah. Cuba kau reverse dulu,” kata Affezah. Lantas, Shefny meletakkan gear reverse, dan menekan pedal gas perlahan-lahan. Shefny mencuba lagi untuk keluar dari petak letak kereta, namun kurang berjaya.

“Tak boleh juga Affezah. Lampu Fairuz hampir mencium lampu kereta yang di tepi ini,” kata Shefny penuh keraguan.

“Kau jangan panik Shefny,” kata Prof Ainnor pula. Riak wajah Prof Ainnor sudah mula menunjukkan tanda-tanda kerisauan. Alaa, kau panik juga, gelak hati kecilku.

Aku menoleh ke belakang. Kelihatan sebuah kereta sudah berada di belakang kereta yang kami naiki. Aku melihat ke arah pemandunya. Beliau juga menjenguk keluar tingkap untuk melihat apa yang sedang berlaku di hadapan beliau. Sebaik sahaja beliau melihat kami sedang cuba untuk keluar dari petak letak kereta yang agak sempit dan dikepit oleh kereta depan yang telah meletakkan keretanya secara haram, beliau menepuk dahi sambil menggelengkan kepala. Senyum sinis terukir di bibirnya. Hek eleh, kerek lah lelaki ini, fikirku.

“Weh, orang belakang dah geleng kepala!” kata Affezah. Lantas, Affezah cuba membantu Shefny untuk mengendalikan Fairuz.

Reverse straight je.”
“Kejap. Aku cuba.”
“Bukan macam tu, ke arah sini stereng kamu itu.”
“Macam mana tu. Aku tak tahu lah!”

Tiba-tiba, “Adik, reverse ke belakang.” Seorang gadis tiba-tiba muncul di sisi pintu tempat duduk Shefny memberikan arahan. “Pusing stereng tu habis dulu,” katanya lagi. Shefny terus mengikut arahan.

“Boleh tak tutupkan dulu cermin sisi ni,” kata gadis itu. Shefny turuti sahaja. Kami terdiam dan hanya memerhati. Pasti lelaki di belakang kami sudah hilang kesabaran, lalu menghantar aweknya untuk membantu kami, kata hati kecilku.

“Ok, sekarang you reverse.”

“Lagi... lagi..opps!” Gadis itu menepuk bonet kereta, dan mengarahkan Shefny untuk membawa Fairuz maju ke hadapan.

Dengan bantuan gadis tersebut, Shefny berjaya membawa Fairuz keluar dari tempat letak kereta yang sempit itu. Masing-masing diam. Namun, di hati, kami terpegun dengan kesungguhan gadis itu membantu kami.

Sebelum berlalu pergi, kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada gadis itu. Ketika Shefny sudah mula tenang dan kami memulakan perbualan tentang betapa bersungguhnya gadis itu membantu kami, aku menoleh ke belakang untuk melihat reaksi lelaki yang kusangkakan teman lelakinya. Namun, gadis itu tidak pula masuk ke dalam kereta itu. Gadis itu berlalu pergi dari tempat kejadian.

“Laaa...aku ingatkan dia awek lelaki kereta di belakang kita tu. Rupa-rupanya tidak!” ujarku.

“Eh, bukan dari kereta belakang ke? Aku ingat awek mamat tu!” kata Affezah pula. Shefny dan Prof Ainnor juga melahirkan perasaan yang sama.

“Jika dia bukan dari kereta itu, dia dari mana?” tanya Shefny.

“Nampak macam dia ke tempat lain tu,” kata Prof Ainnor melihat gadis itu yang sedang berlalu pergi dari cermin belakang kereta.

“Wah. Dah la cantik, baik hati pula tu!” kata Shefny, memuji gadis itu.

“Ohh, boleh tak kalau aku jatuh hati dengan gadis itu?! Ahaa!” kata Affezah pula.

“Oi, agak-agak la wei! Nabil ko nak letak mana?!” kataku pula.

“Perasan tak, tiba-tiba kita semua terdiam tadi Macam bidadari. Membantu disaat memerlukan!” Kata Prof Ainnor pula dengan penuh syahdu.

“A ah. Betul tu! Macam bidadari! Wow.” Sampuk Affezah lagi.

Begitulah ceritera Bidadari Parking Lot. Aku malas untuk menulis apa lagi yang berlaku setelah itu. Yang pasti, kami asyik berceritakan tentang gadis itu sehinggalah kami tiba di kedai Pak Ali. Gadis itu telah memberikan satu impak kepada kami berempat yang berada dalam kereta ketik itu. Gadis itu telah datang membantu di saat kami memerlukan, dan pergi setelah membantu. Tidak sempat pula untuk kami bertanyakan nama, mahupun nombor telefon. Erk.

Akhir kata, minta maaf jika penulisan aku kurang memberangsangkan daya imaginasi anda tentang keadaan ketika itu kerana aku hanya menulis ikut suka hati aku. Aku juga tidak tahu mengapa aku tulis entri yang begitu skema kali ini. Mungkin aku banyak sangat mendengar lagu indie melayu sejak kebelakangan ini. Mungkin juga kerana aku terpengaruh dengan rakan-rakan aku yang suka menggunakan ayat-ayat skema dalam perbulalan kami. Mungkin juga aku mahu mengatasi kehebatan seorang budak lelaki Cina dari Universiti Malaya yang menulis blog beliau dalam Bahasa Melayu walaupun aku tak kenal beliau dan hanya mengetahui tentang kehandalan beliau melalui seorang rakan. Entah lah. Tapi yang pasti, aku sudah penat menaip. Adik laki pula sedang menunggu masa untuk menggodam laptop aku ni. Biarlah aku beri laluan kepada nafsu godam adik laki ni. Hehe.

Oh ya, kepada rakan-rakan Sepeket yang terlibat dalam pembikinan kisah benar di atas, maaf la, aku pening la, aku tak pasti siapa yang menyatakan hal bidadari itu dulu! Korang gaduh lah kat komen aku. Aku nak tengok je. Ngeh3~

Dan satu lagi, kalu ayat-ayat yang telah disebut tidak seperti yang telah digambarkan di atas, maaf juga ya. Aku memang sengaja. Aku cemburu. Lalala~

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Psychological Hazards at the Workplace

Yesterday, my dear friend Bit has asked for my kind help regarding her assignment. The topic of her assignment covers Psychological Hazard. It is quite a tough one as not many journals and articles can be found. I have tried to google, but not many are based on scientific research. And sorry Bit, can’t help you much yesterday. I have my own share of workload. Huhu.Today, she wrote about factors that may contribute to psychological hazard in the workplace. If you want to check what might be the psychological hazard affecting you at work, you might want to check her summary. Hehe.

As for me, these are the hazards I have to endure day in/day out, five days a week:

Workplace Culture
  • A culture blame when things go wrong – my boss is a perfect example of blaming someone or SOMETHING else to manipulate her own thoughts.
  • Expectations that people will regularly work long hours or take work home – my boss is a workaholic who works 18 hours a day, seven days a week. She expects everyone else to do so. And did I mention, she has no kids, or husband or family members to attend to? (She’s got a husband ok, but he works overseas and visits Malaysia occassionally) She also, HAS NO LIFE. Sorry boss. Learn to have some fun, ok?
  • A fast working pace with little encouragement or opportunity for recuperation – Erghh, so true!

Demands of the Job
  • Unrealistic deadlines – trust me, it’s super unrealistic!
I would also like to add another psychological hazard to this list. I deem it to be approved by the National OSH.

Attitude Measure
  • Multiple Personality Disorder – My boss. Haha. She tends to manipulate her own thoughts a little too much!

What do you think Bit? Hehe.

I'll be writing something on another type of psychological hazard that had affected one person's life so bad, it ended sadly.

Monday, October 20, 2008

veni, vidi, vici - KAMI the gig summary

I tried to google if anyone has written a review on KAMI The Gig which has taken place on the 18th of October, 08. Only few has reviewed, like milo skilos and hafreze. I think ET has written something too, but I still couldn't access his site. I bet he is pissed off too. Huhu.

Anyway, I too, like many others who enjoys free gig (we love the sponsors, don't we?) took the opportunity to join in the crowd on that WONDERFUL Saturday. I guess everyone were a lil worried that it might rain, but it did not, at least not until Love Me Butch performed – not that it was a terrible performance. But that was just drizzles, nothing heavy.

I’m not going to talk about all the bands that went up stage and played because I don’t recall most of them. Haha. Only few bands caught my attention.

Laila’s Lounge
By the time I got there, it was almost 4pm, I think, and there they were, Laila's Lounge, up on stage, singing the time of their life. Ok, let's not exaggerate. And of course, when they played Mawar Khayalan, the crowd went WILD. Ahh, should NOT exaggerate. Heck, I loved it anyway!

Koffin Kanser
Koffin Kanser DEFINITELY caught my attention. NOT because I liked it, it was because I WANTED THEM TO STOP. Yikes. No offence fans.

The Aggrobeats
Ska is always nice to listen to. It makes you sway~ Aaaaa…

Kugiran Malaya
I didn't like the vocals. But I LURVEEEEE DJ NAS-T!!! Why? Coz he's NAS-T!!! Ok, seriously, he was tremendously good at turntable. Aaaa, being the apprentice of DJ Fuzz, what would you expect? Hehe. Oh ya, guys, you should consider replacing your vocalist.
He is no good both for live music, or studio records. Yikes. No offence.

Seven Collar T-Shirt
DISAPPOINTMENT. I think it was terrible. Sorry guys, but Saiful (I think that’s his name, the vocalist?), you gotta sing it right >>
to the melody. Aihh… ‘Faith’ was a total let down. They ruined their own song.

Pop Shuvit
HANDS DOWN, their live show was AWESOME. I don’t really listen to this music genre, but their performance was very, very impressive. Probably because they have more experience compared to the rest of the pack. I didn’t expect myself to be this impressed by their performance.

Meet Uncle Hussain
Aaaaaa…who could EVER HATE MUH’s performance!! I deem MUH as the MOST AWAITED BAND to perform that night! What do you think? Well, at least I was waiting for them! By the way, Lan (vocalist – I hope I got his name correct too), you sounded like you were out of breathe at some stage, heck, your vocals were still ASTONISHING. MUH lived up to MY expectation of good live show.

The crowd at KAMI the gig was pretty much what you’d expect for a FREE show featuring most of your indie darlings. Disturbing young kids, secondary school girls bearing it all, boys showing off their spongebob boxers, decent young adults having a good time with friends, adults… Ooh, I especially love looking at what they wear to the gig! You get all kind of fashionista at the gig!

Oh ya, does anyone here know if Harmacy and Estrella performed? I think I missed them. Hmm, too bad.

All said, the gig was my remedy to purge stress and negative thinking from my body and soul.

Thanks Pini, for tolerating my extreme passion for indie music that night!

P/S: Did I mention that Zahiril Adzim (Boy, KAMI The Movie) smiled at me because I was practically STARING at him (coz he is such a 'washing machine') in the crowd?? Owhhh… that was momentary but sooooooo shu-weeet!! He didn’t look that HOT on screen, did he? Auuwwww~

P2/S: 'Washing machine' is a jargon in my personal dictionary. Will send it for patent when I have enough money. The meaning? Hehe. Only few knows.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Nak sangat - Edisi Yahoo Messenger

dr td aku cube tulis something utk blog, tp masih tak dpt2 gak aper yg nk disampaikan!
atreyu: argh!!
name_glamer_aku_aimar: cte la psl
name_glamer_aku_aimar: aku
name_glamer_aku_aimar: hahaha
atreyu: jgn dicabar
name_glamer_aku_aimar: tgh mencabar la ni
name_glamer_aku_aimar: huhuhu
atreyu: ok
name_glamer_aku_aimar: dh tulis bg tau aku
name_glamer_aku_aimar: aku nk bc
atreyu: cehh

aku dah kate dh... ko jgn la cabar aku ek.
dh la aku tgh bingung mcm org bwh ni...adeii.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Did you realize my header?

Ahaa. I got a new header for this blog!

Previously, it had a purple trim. The header reflected my mood well. I was in love. Having fun. And living at my best. Purple is the color of my Converse shoe too!

Not that I don't like my Converse shoe anymore, it's just that, I'm more sober this days. More emotional. More intense. More DEPRESSED. More of myself, I would say.

Ooh. I love the outcome! Told you, I'm far better off without you!

Another version here:

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hidup ini memang P*KIM*K!!

Aku bukak friendster jap td. Tgk My Profile. Page to loading... Aku tunggu.
Apsal lame sgt load background aku nih. Tunggu lagi.
Godek blog orang jap ah.
Bukak balik friendster. Aikk. Mane background aku nih?
Skrol bawah sket.

Ok2. Rileks lah wei. Cek file tu kat Fileden dulu.
Bukak Fileden. Isi username. Isi password..
The following errors were found: That user does not exist.
WTF.... Aku baru upload lagu 3 ari lepas!

Xpe2. Maybe taip password salah. Taip lagi...
The following errors were found: That user does not exist.
Aaaaaaa.... P*KIM*K!!!

Okeh2. Wat password recovery. Klik forgot your password.
Isi e-mail yahoo...
The following errors were found: That email address does not exist in our database.
Isi e-mail blink... Xbley gak.
Isi e-mail blink yang satu lagi... Xbley gak!
P*KIM*K! Aku manede e-mail lain dah!

ERGHH!!!!! Ape jadi wei?!! Apsal akaun fileden aku hilang??!!!! Mangkok mane delete nih??!!!!
P*KIM*K btol!!!
Aku dah la xde mood! MAKIN xde mood! C*BAI sungguh! Abis lagu2 yg aku upload sane wehh!
Seriously. WTF happened to my account??!!

Minda jahat ku terpikir. Dia delete akaun aku ke? Nak balas dendam?
Itu pun nak delete?
Aku tak tuka password. Sbb aku tak terpikir pun dia nak tengok akaun aku lagi.
Tapi.. mungkin ke?

Tanya Gemas...
"Taktau la. Minggu ni dia asyik sibok wat keje. Jarang online."
"Jgn suke2 ckp org c*bai."

Hmm. Please prove me wrong. Please.
Aku sendiri tak mau pikir camtu.
Tapi..aper lagi alasan yang ader.

Aku google. Kot2 ader orang yang senasib.
Skrol. Bukak page. Bace.
Xde aper pun yang membantu.

Fileden delete akaun ikot suke ati ke? Aihh.
Mmg P*KIM*K arr.

Ahh. Layan Meet Uncle Hussain - Mahkota jap. Thanks Ammar. And for the CDs. (psst, aku x suke Roti!)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hidup ini memang palat, tapi esok masih ada..

Ali. Lynn. Abu. Adii. Sofie.
Teenagers. Friendship. Secrets. Life. Self-discovery.
KAMI The Movie.

Overall, I would say it was a great movie. Not THAT great, but SIMPLY great. It is not a typical Malay movie where every line in their script sound perfect. Everything said and done in the movie is almost a perfect resemblance of the real world. It does not have the ending of a typical Malay movie either. Why? THAT, you gotta watch for yourself.

It has a good storyline. I believe many teenagers can relate to this movie. Boyfriend. Girlfriend. Cyberspace. Drugs. Gigs. Love. Hate.

A good review, you can get it here. Nevertheless, it is highly recommended that you watch the mini-series before you get to the movie. Else, get someone who had watched the mini-series to give you a head-start of what the movie is all about. (Penat siott citer kat ko Pejah!)

I'll get to bed early today because I am tired after a long day. Thanks Mama and Papa Siott for the jog we shared this morning. I've wanted it.

p.s. I miss Abu. Aaaaaaa....

Thursday, October 09, 2008

SCENE 4. Adeii...

Scene 4. Take 1.

The door bell rings. A Pakistani guy walks into office)
Me: Yes?
Pakistani: (gives his salam and caught the attention of a Muslim staff at her workstation)
Staff: (replies his salam in respect)
Pakistan: I am a Pakistani student studying in ****. I am here to try and sell this picture frames (shows some frames with Jawi writings) to help the poor students in my university. You see, the students come from Pakistan as well, but their parents can hardly afford to pay the tuition fee here. If you buy this....(bla bla bla, tries his best to outsmart the customer)
Staff: Sorry, this is too expensive to buy. Perhaps I'll give you RM* just to be fair to the poor ones, ok?
Pakistani: Ok, sister. But would you....(bla ba bla for another shot)
Staff: No, thank you.
Pakistani: Thank you for your donation, sister.

(Pakistani walks towards my workstation)
Pakistani: Sister, would you,
Me: Sorry, I am not a Muslim. I am a *****.
Pakistani: Oh, sorry sister. Are you sure? (curiously looks at me)
Me: YES, I AM SURE. How could I not be sure of my own religion?? (sounding ALMOST annoyed)
Pakistani: I'm sorry sister. Thank you for your time.
Me: Ok. (still sounding slightly annoyed)

(Pakistani walks off)

I'd like to remain positive here. Probably he was so nervous that the question of "Are you sure" popped out? So, I should not be so annoyed... But, - WAIT - I was already annoyed when he just STORMED into the office without we,the staff, give any approving gesture for him to walk in, although he did press the door bell.

Would you ring the door bell of someone's house, then simply let yourself in?

Anyway, I'm NOT trying to be racist here by specifically identifying his nationality. I remember one blogger (this blogger) who said that it is by far the easiest attribute to describe an individual. Trust me, I'd be annoyed REGARDLESS of their skin type, colour, whatever.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


18th October 2008
Bukit Jalil, Car Park

Band Line-ups:
Plague of Happiness
Laila's Lounge
They Will Kill Us All
Dragon Red
Pure Vibracion
The Times
Meet Uncle Hussein
Love Me Butch
One Buck Short
Republic of Brickfields
Pop Shuvit
The Aggrobeats
Koffin Kanser

Woohoo!! They are back! This time, to rock Bukit Jalil! Ergh, I hope I can persuade my friends to join me. What if no one wants to tag along??! Yikes. I smell FEAR.

Ohh, I miss the days when I was in university. Back in those days, I always have ONE DEAR FRIEND that would tag along to ANY gig - Amone!! Rindu kamu!! Mau pegi tak KAMI the Gig? Ahax. Naik belon eh. Air Asia murah bah!

Erm. Gotta watch the movie too, KAMI The Movie. It suppose to pick up where it left in the mini series. Yikes. Nak kene cari kaki lagi. Adehh.

Anyone care to join? Ergh~

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Back to School/Work

Raya holiday is over people! Back to school kids! Back to work y'all! Heeee....

So how much duit raya did you get? I got NONE! Duhh!!~

I went to my aunt's house during raya. Ate lotsa lemang and ketupat with the curry chicken she made specially for us. Yeah, amusing how I can celebrate all the festive celebration coz I have aunties and uncles from all walk of race and religion! AWESOME-NESS!! I'm a TRUE Malaysian. Heeeee....

Just now, dropped off my mum and siblings at the bus station in Pekeliling. Damn ar. 6.30pm bus only came at 8pm! Aaaahh...everyone is trying to utilize the highway to be back at work tomorrow! Heh.

Erm, I tried to call my ex again. Even sent him a text message. Stalker eh? Haha~ No worries. I got no reply. And no ringing tone. Could it be that he changed his number because he can't stand me harassing his LIFE? Ahah~ Good for you s***er! I hope now you know how miserable my life has been! Psst. He could be reading this too. Lalala~ (signs of a lunatic on the loose)

Anyway, forgot to mention that I went to work on Friday! Crazy liao~ I was the ONLY ONE in the office. Everyone else was eating roti canai, err, at least that was what Kak Hanim did when I called her on her cellphone. Hehe. Owh, and I was also a 'cast' of Scene 3. Ahaha~

Scene 3. Take 1.

(walk towards the ladies room)
Cleaner: Eh, adik keje arini?
Me: A ah, kak. Saye sorg jek yang kene keje arini. Kat ofis takde sape pun. Tu pasal la akak tgk pintu ofis tu tutup jek. Saye kunci dari dalam. (grins)
Cleaner: Owh, ye ke. Adik tak balik kampung ke?
Me: Tak, kak. Mak saye and adik2 turun KL.
Cleaner: Owh, beraye kat KL lah yer, dik?
Me: A ah, kak. (smiles and push open the door to the ladies room)

Heh. Dah malas dah nak berdalih. So, I played along. Biarlah akak tu pikir aku Melayu pun. For once, I was too lazy to deny and make my stand. Maaf la kak. Krisis identiti. Wakakaka!!~

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