A phone was talking to me! Yikes~
To be precise, a Corby phone was talking to me. Yeahh, that's the latest mobile phone from Samsung. Comes in four vibrant colours - Jamaican Yellow, Minimal White, Cupid Pink and Festival Orange. Ergh. I must be thinking too much about the Corby phone!
I tried to recall as much as I can about the conversation with the PHONE (sounds reeeaaallly awkward!), well, this is more or less the conversation…

That Cupid Pink Corby is pretty annoying, eh? Hell yeah, it was! But you know what’s more amusing then the conversation? The colors in my dream. It was DAMN close to reality! When I woke up that morning, I wondered if the conversation REALLY took place!
But just to clear the air here okay, I DON’T LIKE PINK. I’m not in denial. I just happen to have a few pink in my wardrobe(lingerie included). *gulp*

For the record, I still have a BROWN t-shirt tucked underneath my pink cardi! Huh!
But just to clear the air here okay, I DON’T LIKE PINK. I’m not in denial. I just happen to have a few pink in my wardrobe

For the record, I still have a BROWN t-shirt tucked underneath my pink cardi! Huh!
8 other story teller(s):
hahaaha...cool entry!
u still love pink!
Not bad! It's a creative post! :)
Good luck!
@Aidi-Safuan, NOOOOOOO!! I like brown! T_T
@Stefanie, thanks!
tak seswai la nyah.. haha
kewl nye entry~!
@CikPin, tu lah! Berkali2 aku cakap kat Corby aku tak suke pink! Huhu..
@phatgurl, thx babe! Tahniah menang contest Mr Potato tu. Hehe.
kreatif la!
pink color melemahkan aku.
@Ries Lee, erk, cuba terangkan sket camne lak pink kaler itu melemahkan?? Mcm Superman yg jadi lemah sebab kriptonite plak! Cess~
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Hi Anonymous, you are such a coward! Please, I beg you, FLAME me!